viresh-ratnakar / exet

Web app for crossword construction: designing a grid, filling the grid, creating straight or cryptic clues, and downloading as Exolve or .puz. All data is saved locally, no crosswords are sent to any server.
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[Feature request] A method to highlight clues needing review #10

Closed Antagony1060 closed 3 years ago

Antagony1060 commented 3 years ago

I created another puzzle) with Exet and at first I tried just using it on its own, but one thing I really missed from my old way of working was being able to highlight clues — written in OneNote — so I could tell at a glance which ones I was still not entirely happy with. I used to use text background highlighting, but it was a bit of a pain having to select the text first, so more recently I just inserted a checkbox next to each clue — which can be done easily in OneNote with Ctrl+1 — and only ticked it when satisfied with the clue.

I think it could be even more intuitive in Exet, as you could also shade the clues — or their fonts — in the grid. It would also probably make sense to mark all clues that way in new grids.

What do you think?

viresh-ratnakar commented 3 years ago

Have done this now, with v0.32, thanks for the suggestion—it was kinda fun to work through this.

I used to leave the "TO DO" (that was a default prefix for clues) in place within the clue until a clue was ready, as a distinctive marker. But I think having an explicit, actionable tracking mechanism makes sense. However, I do like the simplicity of a prefix in the clue (which also works when reading puzzles from Exolve files without having to create a separate mechanism for keeping track of which clues still need work). But "TO DO" is perhaps a bit eclectic.

So, I've implemented keeping track of clues in "draft" mode by now making new clues start out with a "[DRAFT]" prefix (clearer than "TO DO," hopefully). I've also added code to be aware of this prefix and translate it into distinctive rendering (including a gray clue number in the list of clues). And there is a button in the clue editing panel now, that lets you toggle the draft mode. Further, the "Save" menu shows you a warning message if there still are clues in draft mode.

I went through several variants when working on this, including using check marks for marking clues no longer in draft mode. But I converged on what I've checked in as I really want the clues not in draft mode to just look "normal" rather than have any distinctive markings.

But PTAL, am happy to listen to ideas for rendering differently.

Antagony1060 commented 3 years ago

That's perfect, thanks!