viresh-ratnakar / exet

Web app for crossword construction: designing a grid, filling the grid, creating straight or cryptic clues, and downloading as Exolve or .puz. All data is saved locally, no crosswords are sent to any server.
MIT License
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[Feature Request] ‘Exolve feature’ editing – for Preamble, Questions, Ninas, Colours, etc. #12

Closed Antagony1060 closed 3 years ago

Antagony1060 commented 3 years ago

I'm sure you will have already given this some thought, but I wondered whether you had any plans as yet to provide editing of such Exolve features within Exet?

viresh-ratnakar commented 3 years ago

I have been contemplating doing this and have some thoughts. This is a good opportunity to write them out and discuss before implementing.

Antagony1060 commented 3 years ago

Thanks! That all makes sense. I work pretty much the same way you do, although I also occasionally publish other redditors' puzzles so the more they can do in Exet, the less I will need to do with their widget code and that at least gives me the opportunity to try solving them too, if I want to.

I agree that Ninas and colours should be the highest priority as they can be a chore to enter manually. I initially just envisioned a simple mode toggle to paint the cells with when on, but I see now that of course it needs a mechanism to add/remove items. One thing that's just occurred to me is that it might be worth having a bit of rethink on how Ninas work in Exolve, to allow setters to pick their own colours. In essence that would/could make Ninas and colours identical, Exet usage-wise, except for a ‘Nina’ flag. Just a thought…

I hadn't considered formatting for the various text editing fields, but now you've mentioned it I think it would be a nice addition at some point in the future maybe. Simple italic/bold/strikethrough formatting should be sufficient in most cases, so couldn't you functionalise/re-use what you've written for anno editing? Of course it would also need a preview pane or similar if it's just adding raw HTML tags to the text.

viresh-ratnakar commented 3 years ago

I have added editing preamble/explanations/questions/ninas/colours to Exet now, with v0.39. You can access these controls with the (reorganized) Edit menu, and with keyboard shortcuts for ninas/colours.

The new features are described here:

Antagony1060 commented 3 years ago

I haven't tested it thoroughly as yet, but so far everything seems logical and works as I hoped/expected. Great work as usual… many thanks!