viresh-ratnakar / exet

Web app for crossword construction: designing a grid, filling the grid, creating straight or cryptic clues, and downloading as Exolve or .puz. All data is saved locally, no crosswords are sent to any server.
MIT License
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[Feature request] Transadditions / Transdeletions #33

Closed mooomooo closed 2 months ago

mooomooo commented 3 months ago

This'd be another iframe tab (or two) like Hidden / Alternations; with nutrimatic and/or qat queries. Transadditions are easy, just add another . to the query (inside <> for nutrimatic or after / for qat). Transdeletions would be harder; you'd have to compose a query of several OR'ed options: with one fewer . if any exist, and with one of the entered letters removed for each of the letters. But that'll open up a bunch of one-letter-off anagram clues.

viresh-ratnakar commented 2 months ago

I just pushed Exet v0.93 (changelog pasted below) which should address this, but not quite the way you had requested.

In general, I prefer my own implementations rather than nutrimatic, when possible, to avoid dependencies. For anagrams, Exet already has extensive code that I've now extended.

For what you call "transdeletions": this was already supported and candidates were being shown in the Anagrams tab. I've now added some colouring (single letter components of anagrams are now shown in green) to make it easier to spot them.

For what you call "transadditions": I have now added what I call "anagrammed deletions" to the charades tab. This is wordplay of the form *(A - B*). See more details below. This includes the case of creating anagrams out of one letter more than the fodder.

As you can see below, I've also taken (A around B) out of the charades tab and placed it more prominently in the Charades+Containments tab now.

Version: Exet v0.93, June 17, 2024

mooomooo commented 2 months ago

Ah this is very thorough and does the trick (and more). Thanks!