viresh-ratnakar / exet

Web app for crossword construction: designing a grid, filling the grid, creating straight or cryptic clues, and downloading as Exolve or .puz. All data is saved locally, no crosswords are sent to any server.
MIT License
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Support non-symmetric grids #8

Closed Julian-O closed 3 years ago

Julian-O commented 3 years ago

It is generally a very useful feature that when you enter a block or a bar, it enforces 180 degree symmetry.

However, some crosswords (no matter how much we frown on it!) do not have 180 degree symmetry, and I believe such puzzles cannot be entered with this tool.

Please allow the automated symmetry to be turned off.

viresh-ratnakar commented 3 years ago

I've added this feature in v0.26, ptal: you can turn off symmetry enforcement temporarily from the Edit menu, just for the next "Toggle block/bar" operation. While this may be a little inconvenient if every single added block/bar is going to need to be asymmetric, but I'd rather not make the setting sticky, hopefully discouraging extremely asymmetric grids.