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Best way to manually remove and re-add image markers? #830

Open jinkoay opened 4 years ago

jinkoay commented 4 years ago

Development OS: Mac Device OS & Version: Android 9 Version: ViroReact 2.17.0 React Native version 0.59.9 Device(s): Samsung Galaxy S9

Hi there,

Based on the documentation and reading previous issues, I understand that whenever we detect an image marker for the first time, onAnchorFound gets called once but onAnchorRemoved never gets called, and the marker is continuously being tracked in the background. Continuously tracking multiple markers in the background seems to be affecting performance so I am trying to remove and reload all markers each time a new/different marker is detected.

Like mentioned, using the anchor's tracking method to hide objects causes the app to lag, so I'm trying to get around it by removing the anchor/marker completely.

@achuvm mentioned in that it is possible to remove image markers completely. I'm trying to manually remove image markers when a new/different image marker is detected so that onAnchorRemoved is called instead of just hiding them. I'm having trouble achieving this though, is there an examples or sample code of how I can do this? Any suggestions or help will be much appreciated.

temurchichua commented 2 years ago

Did you get anywhere with this issue?

filippoelgorni commented 2 years ago

Any update on this issue?

ThomasCarstens commented 1 year ago

I manually removed the image quite literally with my hand. Seems to be the best solution until this gets fixed. Hacky fix... But not an obvious one haha

Macieyou commented 1 year ago

Any update on this issue?