virt-lightning / virt-lightning

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How do I add my own images ? or better yet can we get debian-13 on the list ? #290

Closed rprihoda closed 1 month ago

rprihoda commented 4 months ago

Is there a way to create and use my own images? Also, can we get debian trixie added ?

goneri commented 3 months ago

Hi @rprihoda!

You can use an existing cloud-ready image from and specialize it with guestfs/virt-customize. I just found this example:

Once your image is ready, just copy it in /var/lib/virt-lightning/pool/upstream/, you can add a YAML file aside if you want to pass some specific configuration for that image. Eg:

$ ls /var/lib/virt-lightning/pool/upstream/openbsd-7.1.*
/var/lib/virt-lightning/pool/upstream/openbsd-7.1.qcow2  /var/lib/virt-lightning/pool/upstream/openbsd-7.1.yaml
$ cat /var/lib/virt-lightning/pool/upstream/openbsd-7.1.yaml
python_interpreter: /usr/local/bin/python3
goneri commented 3 months ago

Also, if you want to add Debian 13 in the list of supported distro (this would be awesome!), you can open up a PR like this one

rprihoda commented 3 months ago

Thanks if I get some time , I'll make a PR.