Balances like 0.999999912345 are quite ugly and after certain number of decimals users don't usually care if the fee is 0.000001 or 0.00001 more expensive. We should have a minimum fee that is quite cheap and also used for rounding things up.
This rounding can be based on the existential deposit(e.g. ED/10) but first I would suggest to also adjust the ED to something rounder. It's currently configured to be 1/10th the ED of Kusama which is based on the const QUID: Balance = UNITS / 30. I propose our new ED to go form 0.000033333333 to 0.000100000000(even higher?) and the rounding factor/minimum fee to be 1/10th of that(0.000010000000). For other assets we can follow a similar strategy based on their minimum balance.
Balances like
are quite ugly and after certain number of decimals users don't usually care if the fee is 0.000001 or 0.00001 more expensive. We should have a minimum fee that is quite cheap and also used for rounding things up.This rounding can be based on the existential deposit(e.g. ED/10) but first I would suggest to also adjust the ED to something rounder. It's currently configured to be 1/10th the ED of Kusama which is based on the
const QUID: Balance = UNITS / 30
. I propose our new ED to go form0.000033333333
(even higher?) and the rounding factor/minimum fee to be 1/10th of that(0.000010000000
). For other assets we can follow a similar strategy based on their minimum balance.