virtual-labs-archive / artificial-neural-networks-iiith

This repository contains the source for Artificial Neural Networks Lab IIITH
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QA_Competitive learning neural networks for pattern clustering_url_name is differing #8

Open BSravanthi opened 7 years ago

BSravanthi commented 7 years ago

Defect Description : In all the pages of "Competitive learning neural networks for pattern clustering" experiment in this lab, the numbering for the experiment is given as exp7, where as in the list of experiments this is the 6th experiment of this experiment.

Actual Result : In all the pages of "Competitive learning neural networks for pattern clustering" experiment in this lab, the numbering for the experiment is given as exp7.

Environment : OS: Windows 7, Ubuntu-16.04,Centos-6 Browsers:Firefox-42.0,Chrome-47.0,chromium-45.0 Bandwidth : 100Mbps Hardware Configuration:8GBRAM , Processor:i5

Attachments: qa_ann_url 6 _i6

NAGULAVANCHA commented 5 years ago

commit: e164f8c issue fixed and and additionally new another experiment is listed belonging to this lab coded :)

NAGULAVANCHA commented 5 years ago

same as #11

Gowthambhujam commented 5 years ago

Valid fix @Nagulavancha

ashfaqhaq commented 5 years ago