virtual-labs-archive / computer-programming-responsive-iiith

This repository contains the responsive Computer Programming Lab IIITH
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computer-programming_Numerical Approximation #283

Open anishkasachdeva opened 5 years ago

anishkasachdeva commented 5 years ago

Defect Description: On decreasing the size of the webpage, half of the portions of the webpage get messed up.

Steps to reproduce: Click on Then go accordingly:Numerical Approximation->Simulation Then resize the webpage using Ctrl + -

Expected result: Arrangement of the webpage should be proper.

Actual result: Icons and text of half of the divisions got messed up whereas half of the portions remains unaltered(Step Execution part remains unaltered.)

Before decreasing size: Screenshot from 2019-03-17 10-50-21

After decreasing size: Screenshot from 2019-03-17 10-51-31

starc52 commented 5 years ago

fixed id : 3e7d3562edb473cec02c69d09a7907032c3ee1bb

DevikaBoddu commented 5 years ago

Valid fix: @starc52