virtual-labs-archive / digital-logic-design-iiith

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Expected method shorthand. (object-shorthand) #94

Open BSravanthi opened 6 years ago

BSravanthi commented 6 years ago

ECMAScript 6 provides a concise form for defining object literal methods and properties. This syntax can make defining complex object literals much cleaner. In ECMAScript 6:

var foo = {
    x: function() {},
    y: function *() {},
    z: z

var foo = {
    x() {},
    *y() {},

Please refer to the following link to fix similar issues.

DevikaBoddu commented 6 years ago

Commit id: da1147e

Pallavi98 commented 6 years ago

valid fix @DevikaBoddu

AksharaMayreddy commented 6 years ago

valid fix @DevikaBoddu