Defect Description:
In the Landing page of "Pattern Recognition Lab", the like button is redirecting to the page which is not found. Where as the page should redirect to the appropriate Vlabs face book page.
Actual Result :
In the Landing page of "Pattern Recognition Lab", the like button is redirecting to the page which is not found.
Defect Description: In the Landing page of "Pattern Recognition Lab", the like button is redirecting to the page which is not found. Where as the page should redirect to the appropriate Vlabs face book page.
Actual Result : In the Landing page of "Pattern Recognition Lab", the like button is redirecting to the page which is not found.
Environment: OS: Windows 7, Ubuntu-16.04,Centos-6 Browsers: Firefox-42.0,Chrome-47.0,chromium-45.0 Bandwidth : 100Mbps Hardware Configuration:8GBRAM, Processor:i5