Defect Description:
In all the pages of "UV-Visible Spectroscopy of Conjugated Systems" experiment, in the URL the numbering of this experiment is given as exp2. Where as this is the 1st experiment in the list.
Actual Result :
In all the pages of "UV-Visible Spectroscopy of Conjugated Systems" experiment, in the URL the numbering of this experiment is given as exp2.
As all the labs are running on open-edx, numbering of the experiments are not necessary, experiments are listed with their names. Hence differing the issue.
Defect Description: In all the pages of "UV-Visible Spectroscopy of Conjugated Systems" experiment, in the URL the numbering of this experiment is given as exp2. Where as this is the 1st experiment in the list.
Actual Result : In all the pages of "UV-Visible Spectroscopy of Conjugated Systems" experiment, in the URL the numbering of this experiment is given as exp2.
Environment: OS: Windows 7, Ubuntu-16.04,Centos-6 Browsers: Firefox-42.0,Chrome-47.0,chromium-45.0 Bandwidth : 100Mbps Hardware Configuration:8GBRAM, Processor:i5