Defect Description:
when we dont choose the appropriate options even for one question and click on the submit button in the pretest page of "Flow measurement by orificemeter and venturimeter" experiment it is re-directing to the aim page of the experiment instead of validating the options and displaying the result on the screen or to display a message on the screen as to choose the options for the questions.
Actual Result :
when we dont choose the appropriate options even for one question and click on the submit button in the pretest page of "Flow measurement by orificemeter and venturimeter" experiment it is re-directing to the aim page of the experiment
Defect Description: when we dont choose the appropriate options even for one question and click on the submit button in the pretest page of "Flow measurement by orificemeter and venturimeter" experiment it is re-directing to the aim page of the experiment instead of validating the options and displaying the result on the screen or to display a message on the screen as to choose the options for the questions.
Actual Result : when we dont choose the appropriate options even for one question and click on the submit button in the pretest page of "Flow measurement by orificemeter and venturimeter" experiment it is re-directing to the aim page of the experiment
Environment: OS: Windows 7, Ubuntu-16.04,Centos-6 Browsers: Firefox-42.0,Chrome-47.0,chromium-45.0 Bandwidth : 100Mbps Hardware Configuration:8GBRAM , Processor:i5
Test Step Link: