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Hosting/Rehosting Request for "Soft Computing Tools in Engineering Lab" IIT Kharagpur #874

Open AKRNANDULA opened 1 year ago

AKRNANDULA commented 1 year ago

Hosting/Rehosting Request for "Soft Computing Tools in Engineering Lab" IIT Kharagpur

Lab Name: Soft Computing Tools in Engineering Lab

Discipline name: Computer Science Engineering, Civil Engineering

Institute: IIT Kharagpur

List of Experiments and Repositories:

No. Experiment Name Experiment repository URL Branch Tag
1 Introduction to Fundamental of Fuzzy Logic and Basic Operations main v1.0.0
2 Fuzzy Inference System(FIS) main v1.0.0
3 Fuzzy Weighted Average and Application main v1.0.0
4 Fuzzy Control and Application main v1.0.0
5 Introduction to Neural Networks and Perceptron Example main v1.0.0
6 Multilayer Perceptron and Application main v1.0.0
7 Probabilistic Neural Networks and Application main v1.0.0

Hosted Url:

Introduction to Lab:

In recent times, engineers have very well accepted soft computing tools such as Fuzzy Computing, Neuro-Computing, Evolutionary Computing, Probabilistic Computing, and Immunological Computing etc. for carrying out various numerical simulation studies. In last two decades, these tools independently as well as in hybrid forms has been successfully applied to varieties of problems.


The main objective of the proposed virtual lab is to introduce students about the latest Computational Intelligence Tools ( also known as soft computing tools). The training of these tools will be useful to develop rigorous applications in the engineering domain.

The experiments cover following broad areas:

Fuzzy Logic

  1. Fuzzy Logic Fundamentals and Basic Operations
  2. Fuzzy Inference System(FIS)
  3. Fuzzy Weighted Average
  4. Fuzzy Control

Artificial Neural Networks

  1. Neural Networks and Perceptron
  2. Multilayer Perceptron
  3. Radial Basis Function
  4. Probabilistic Neural Networks

Evolutionary Algorithms (EA)

  1. Introduction to EA
  2. Binary and Real Coded genetic Algorithms
  3. Genetic Expression Programming

Probabilistic Reasoning

  1. Introduction to Probabilistic Reasoning and Baayesian Networks Application

Technology Used

  1. Javascript
  2. HTML5
  3. Jquery
  4. CSS



Course Alignment

Target Audience:

Undergraduate students and Post-graduate students.

pavanchow commented 1 year ago

@AKRNANDULA Could you please provide the "Introduction to Lab," "Course Alignment," and "Objective" of the lab? Please use this as a reference.

AKRNANDULA commented 1 year ago


I mentioned the Introduction to Lab as Introduction

As requested I updated the required information. Have a look at it and let me know if you need any more information.

pavanchow commented 1 year ago

@AKRNANDULA Could you please create tags for the above mentioned experiments?

AKRNANDULA commented 1 year ago


As requested I created the tags. Have a look at it and let me know if you need any more information.

pavanchow commented 1 year ago


Hosted Soft Computing Tools in Engineering Lab URL of Lab:

Please check and approve

AKRNANDULA commented 1 year ago


Found a bug in the simulation somehow it is working earlier but not after hosting. It is resolved and created a new tag v1.0.1 . Kindly host the experiments with v1.0.1. Have a look at it and let me know if you need any more information.

pavanchow commented 1 year ago


Hosted Soft Computing Tools in Engineering Lab experiments with tag v1.0.1 URL of Lab:

Please check and approve.

priya100raman commented 1 year ago

@AKRNANDULA, is this lab hosting under testing ?

AKRNANDULA commented 1 year ago


I verified it and you can host it.

prakriti5dhang commented 1 year ago

Please add @Sap98 as a collaborator.

ravikiran2020 commented 1 year ago

@prakriti5dhang added @Sap98 invitation has been sent please accept them.