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Hosting/Rehosting Request for "Computer Organisation and Architecture Virtual Lab" IIT Kharagpur #875

Open AKRNANDULA opened 1 year ago

AKRNANDULA commented 1 year ago

Hosting/Rehosting Request for "Computer Organisation and Architecture Virtual Lab" IIT Kharagpur

Lab Name: Computer Organisation and Architecture Lab

Discipline name: Computer Science Engineering

Institute: IIT Kharagpur

List of Experiments and Repositories:

No. Experiment Name Experiment repository URL Branch Tag
1 Ripple Carry Adder main v1.0.0
2 Carry-Look-Ahead Adder main v1.0.0
3 Wallace Tree Adder main v1.0.0
4 Karnaugh Map main v1.0.0
5 Quine - Mc Clusky Algorithm main v1.0.0

Hosted Url:

Introduction to Lab:

Computer organization and architecture (COA) is a core course in the curriculum of CSE, EE and ECE. Laboratory experiments essential to understanding basics. Most places used bread board based setup. This simulator provides an interactive environment for creating and conducting simulated experiments on computer organization and architecture. It supports gate level design to CPU design.


The Objective is to Expose the students to the various key aspects of Digital Logic and Computer Organization by enabling them to perform FPGA based prototyping of experiments with support of a virtual environment. The primary need for virtualisation here is multifold.

  1. Digital Logic and Computer Organization are core courses in most of the Undergraduate Curricula of the entire Electrical Sciences Discipline(Computer Science / Engg., Electronics, Electrical) etc.
  2. Many colleges/institutes cannot procure sufficient number of FPGA boards for their students.
  3. Even when such FPGA boards are available, making them available round the clock is difficult.
  4. Expert help is required to effectively use these FPGA boards and such help can be easily channeled through a virtual environment.
  5. Helps to standardize the set of Experiments to a large extent.

Technology Used

  1. Javascript
  2. HTML5
  3. Jquery
  4. CSS


  1. Go through the manual about the features of the COA Simulator

Course Alignment

Target Audience:

Undergraduate students and Post-graduate students of Computer Science Engineering, Mechatronics, Electrical Engineering, Electronics branches.

pavanchow commented 1 year ago

@AKRNANDULA Could you please provide the "Discipline name," "Objective," and "Course Alignment" of the lab? Please use this as a reference.

AKRNANDULA commented 1 year ago


I mentioned the Discipline name as Department

As requested I updated the required information. Have a look at it and let me know if you need any more information.

pavanchow commented 1 year ago

@AKRNANDULA Please provide "Introduction to Lab" above mentioned was Introduction to Virtual Labs.

AKRNANDULA commented 1 year ago


As requested I updated the required information. Have a look at it and let me know if you need any more information.

pavanchow commented 1 year ago

@AKRNANDULA Could you please create tags for the above mentioned experiments?

AKRNANDULA commented 1 year ago


As requested I created the tags. Have a look at it and let me know if you need any more information.

pavanchow commented 1 year ago


Hosted Computer Organisation and Architecture Virtual Lab URL of Lab:

Please check and approve

AKRNANDULA commented 1 year ago


While we are going through the hosted link, i observed the simulation pages are not loading properly. The working link is shared for your reference. Have a look at it and let mw know.

Experiment working simulation page on github:

Hosted simulation page link:

pavanchow commented 1 year ago

@AKRNANDULA Simulation pages are loading correctly now. Could you please check and acknowledge?

AKRNANDULA commented 1 year ago


I verified it and you can host it now.