[x] Fix issue with website freezing in Firefox on Macs
[ ] Fix Windows installer so it does not overwrite user's PATH variable and repost it to website (Issue #155)
[x] Investigate 503 errors when downloading the Mac build
Revamp documentation to make sure people don't get lost
[x] Demo page: Add link to browser requirements up top and update link to browser requirements in error text)
[x] Tutorial: Move pong app to the top of it
[ ] Rewrite Tutorial section to make it more obvious to developer to download .dae files (see Issue #310 )
[ ] Reorganize
[ ] Go through the whole site looking for broken links
[ ] Add a bit about the four things necessary to maintain synchronization
Stuff that you want to synchronize must be stored on the model side in a node property
There must not be any stateful variables in your model components that are not properties
Do not use calledMethod or firedEvent in the view except for things that are ephemeral (happen and then are gone) – nothing stateful
New for event handler replication: Do not have any local variables or functions in your model components – closures will not be preserved
[ ] Add a "pitfall" about having properties that are arrays or Objects w/ nodes in them
[ ] Add a “pitfall” that warns of putting private functions in behaviors
[ ] Test in all sorts of browsers with all sorts of widths
[ ] Can csr generation be completed in one step like this? openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -sha256 -out server.csr -keyout server.key
[ ] Remove examples that we no longer want
[ ] Fix up remaining examples: refactor and comment so they make for good examples
[ ] Add a recipe for each one, including one for adding sound and video with jPlayer driver (clean up jPlayer driver in the process)
Respond to website feedback that we've already gotten
[x] Change title tagline on page to better tell VWF story
[ ] Eliminate load timeout errors on demo server
[ ] Respond to Metaverse's comments via email and on the forum
[ ] Do a better job of explaining: What is VWF?
[ ] Put something in the default app that is created, so people know it's working
[ ] Change background of duck app to white
[ ] Adjust lighting to make it more beautiful (try to find three.js plugin for three light setup – or standard lighting setup in 3DS Max)
[ ] Make left-click and drag spin the duck
[ ] Add a news blog to VWF site, where we can post about upcoming features, releases, and breaking changes
[ ] Point people at Stack Overflow and gitHub issues (maybe in footer) - and enact process by which we check these regularly
[ ] Make browser incompatibility message be more specific (again) about what failed
Remove section about initializeCamera from Getting Started
[x] Complete PR #95: fix example/multiuser (second user's screen is black - first bad commit 543d52) - Step through code to see which part of new code it's getting tripped up in (probably has something to do w/ taking control of the navObject)
[ ] Edit Getting Started to reflect the change
[ ] Decrease load time on public server
Start loading apps before document.ready
Move to node server
Profile to see the biggest issue (mars-game would be a good example)
Decrease download time
Investigate glTF as an alternative to collada
Compress 3D model files for transport
Improve demo page experience (change layout to something more like kineticjs or chrome experiements)
[ ] Patch kimray valve with XPC animation fixes so we can patch the version on demo server
[ ] Add text that explains what user can do
[ ] Fix “join current session” functionality
[ ] Fix Mars Game multiuser experience
Fix and post LCS app
[ ] Once VCTE is posted, remove command-center from VWF repo
[ ] Do interactive rebase on latest three.js version and drop our commit that changed “uv” to “uvMap”
[x] Fix bugs and move integration to master and give us these wonderful features: websocket network check, no scroll bars, view interpolation, Current Sessions, no need for initializeCamera
Fix view interpolation bug (PR #149)
Humvee and radio lessons don't load - Issue 3189 and 3190
[x] Add a comment in the default app created by vwf create that points the user to the Getting Started guide (PR #137)
[x] Remove unnecessary libraries from framework (bootstrap, etc) and update demos so they still work (include necessary libraries in the apps, themselves) (PR #133)
[x] Add Google Analytics back to download page somehow
files (see Issue #310 )openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -sha256 -out server.csr -keyout server.key
flagvwf create
that points the user to the Getting Started guide (PR #137)