virtualcommons / port-of-mars

Port of Mars is an online, game-based, social science experiment set on the first human community on the Red Planet. We are now in an open beta where anyone aged 18 and over can participate.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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add educator service stubs and tests #943

Open alee opened 4 weeks ago

alee commented 4 weeks ago

Educators should be able to:

  1. create a classroom
  2. add students to a classroom
  3. generate a unique classroom auth code
  4. generate a unique password for themselves server side (still in flux)

Students should be able to:

  1. join a classroom
  2. generate a unique auth code which they can use to rejoin their classroom or running game (CURRENT TASK)

Jest test stubs currently in test/services/educator.test.ts

Jest documentation:

sgfost commented 4 weeks ago

classroom.authToken (game code):

should be short (4/5 characters)


should be a bit longer due to needing more of them but still easily memorized or transcribed by a student


considerably longer just for better security

something to note is that a helper function can be shared between generation functions if the strategy for creating the code is similar by taking in some parameter to determine the length, i.e. a word count or character count

all should be guaranteed to be unique by attempting to generate a code, checking for uniqueness in the db, then trying again in case of a collision. Alternatively, these all have a unique constraint in the db so inserting a non-unique value will raise an error, which can be taken advantage of with a try...catch if that error is unique (we wouldn't want to keep trying if the error was something else that went wrong)