The term "module IEFE" in software can refer to two different concepts: the module pattern and the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE).
Module Pattern:
The module pattern is a design pattern in software development that allows for encapsulation and organization of code. It is commonly used in JavaScript to create private and public variables and methods within a module. The module pattern helps to prevent naming conflicts and provides a way to expose only the necessary functionality to the outside world.
Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE):
An IIFE is a JavaScript function that is immediately executed after it is defined. It is often used to create a private scope for variables and functions, preventing them from polluting the global scope. The IIFE is typically wrapped in parentheses and followed by an additional set of parentheses to invoke the function immediately.
The term "module IEFE" in software can refer to two different concepts: the module pattern and the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE).
Module Pattern: The module pattern is a design pattern in software development that allows for encapsulation and organization of code. It is commonly used in JavaScript to create private and public variables and methods within a module. The module pattern helps to prevent naming conflicts and provides a way to expose only the necessary functionality to the outside world.
Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE): An IIFE is a JavaScript function that is immediately executed after it is defined. It is often used to create a private scope for variables and functions, preventing them from polluting the global scope. The IIFE is typically wrapped in parentheses and followed by an additional set of parentheses to invoke the function immediately.