This ticket captures all release related work of the VirtualSatellite4-Core release
Perform version update:
[ ] Checkout/Update the Development branch
[ ] Remove current integration branch (Make sure no one else is integrating at the moment)
[ ] Create new integration branch from development branch
[ ] Run ant script to update version numbers (open build.xml and start the updateVersions task)
[ ] Check if the server APIs had changes and update the version numbers in the servlets if necessary
[ ] Check if there are unreleased changes on the Ecore data model (open dvlm.ecore, check if History > Release (not yet released is empty))
[ ] Create a Edapt release of new changes (Open the DVLM-Ecore model; open the view "Operation Browser", click "Release" with "not yet released" selected, set the next version)
[ ] Generate model and edit code from Ecore (Open dvlm.genmodel, right click on the context menu)
[ ] Adjust DVLM version number in factory overwrite: in the plugin.xml of the project. (Extension point: org.eclipse.emf.ecore.factory_override)
[ ] Adjust DVLM version number in ConceptLanguage.xtext and run GenerateConceptLanguage.mwe2
[ ] Adjust DVLM version number in EquationDSL.xtext and run GenerateEquationDSL.mwe2
[ ] Regenerate concept.xmi of all relevant projects (launch "VirSat Core Concept IDE", import projects (with nested), build all)
[ ] Check that Java API Doc is working in our Concept-IDE - If not update the Java API Doc being registered in the Java doc plugin
To check if it works, create a VirSat App and test if the Java API and Model APi from VirSat is backed by JavaDoc
[ ] Make sure application launches without errors from the product launcher
[ ] Merge integration branch into development branch (Pull Request named "Integration 4.x.x - Remerge Versions")
Perform integration on integration branch:
[ ] Apply all needed fixes
[ ] Update the release notes
Update master/release branch:
[ ] Merge integration branch into master branch (Pull Request named "Release 4.x.x")
[ ] Create Release Tag
Merge back integration branch:
[ ] Merge integration branch into development branch (Pull Request named "Integration 4.x.x - Remerge Fixes")
Well Done!! You should have a new Virtual Satellite Release :rocket:
Virtual Satellite Release Version 4.x.x
This ticket captures all release related work of the VirtualSatellite4-Core release
Perform version update:
Perform integration on integration branch:
Update master/release branch:
Merge back integration branch:
Well Done!! You should have a new Virtual Satellite Release :rocket: