virtualstaticvoid / heroku-buildpack-r

Heroku buildpack for R - Makes deploying R on Heroku easy
MIT License
304 stars 235 forks source link

Issues with package 'Later' #131

Closed lukasmartig closed 4 years ago

lukasmartig commented 5 years ago

When loading the buildpack to heroku, the installation crashed down while installing the package 'Later' from GitHub repo thomasp85/fiery@master

later (0.7.2 -> 1.0.0 ) [CRAN]

caused the issue

virtualstaticvoid commented 4 years ago

Hi @lukasmartig

How did you configure your application to refer to the GitHub version of this package?

It might be that it can't access the repository.

Could you provide the build output, which contains the error messages?
