Output: when output language is devanagari
The following alphabets are interpreted and converted (which should not be the case):
w converts to v
x converts to kSh
E converts to ^e
N converts to ~N
O converts to o
| converts to .
Thanks for adding the ITRANS toggle ## support which is meant to toggle transliteration.
There is an issue with some text that is with in ## xxxxxx ##
A test with all alphabets shows the issues: Input:
Output: when output language is devanagari abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvvkShyzABCD^eFGHIzKLM~NoPQRSTUVWXYZ01234567890~`!@#$%^&*()_+{}[]:";'<>,.?/.\
The following alphabets are interpreted and converted (which should not be the case): w converts to v x converts to kSh E converts to ^e N converts to ~N O converts to o | converts to .