virtualvinodh / aksharamukha

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Upload custom mapping #40

Open virtualvinodh opened 5 years ago

virtualvinodh commented 5 years ago


geethub commented 5 years ago

Where can you upload custom mappings? As you know that Aksharamukha works as transliterating as well as typing tool. Only we need friendly sound based typing keystrokes preferably in lower cases for faster typing. अ आ इ ई उ ऊ ऍ ए ऐ ऑ ओ औ अं अँ अः a A i I u U e.c e ai A.c o au aM a.N aH......ITRANS transliteration a aa i ii/ee u uu/oo ae/æ e ai aw/ɔ au aM a.N aH....Typing Key strokes a ā i ī u ū æ e ai ô o au aṃ am̐ aḥ....IAST æ/ă ô/ŏ ....suggested characters

अं आं इं ईं उं ऊं एं ऐं ओं औं अँ आँ इँ ईँ उँ ऊँ एँ aṃ āṃ iṃ īṃ uṃ ūṃ eṃ aiṃ oṃ auṃ am̐ ām̐ im̐ īm̐ um̐ ūm̐ em̐ ȧ ā̇ ï ī̇ u̇ ū̇ ė aï ȯ au̇ a̐ ā̐ i̐ ī̐ u̐ ū̐ e̐ (modified IAST)

mlvenkat commented 3 years ago

Is there a way to add custom mapping to devanagari & other indic languages ? I have come up with my own version of Roman Transliteration scheme (something similar to Roman Readable) and I want to see how it compares with other schemes for transliterating indian languages.

geethub commented 3 years ago

What's your custom mappings for typing Roman Transliteration scheme for print media where capitalization rules are needed? Some transliteration schemes such as HK,ITRANS are not good for print media. Custom mappings for typing can be used for English transcription if needed. अ आ इ ई उ ऊ ऍ ए ऐ ऑ ओ औ अं अँ अः a/America,aa/art,i/in,ii/ee/been,u/put,uu/oo/book,ae/cat,e/pet,ai/pain,aw/law,o/boat,au/aura,aM/under,aMM,aH

virtualvinodh commented 3 years ago

@mlvenkat not yet. It's still in my todo list.


mlvenkat commented 3 years ago

My scheme will use capital letters just HK, ITRANS. Capitalization rules are not required for phonetic based indic languages, I feel.

That apart, please let us know the functionality of the proposed "Upload custom mapping" function and how we can make use of it? Also, what is its current status ?

(Please accept my thanks & regards for your excellent website which is a treasure of information on indic languages and has great tools such as Converter, Composer, Web API, Python package, website plugin, etc.,)

geethub commented 3 years ago

Mr.Venkat, Here are ITRANS typing keystrokes for left column to type Devanagari or IAST in right column on Aksharamukha. a A i I u U R^i R^I L^i L^I e ai o au e.c A.c aH am an aM AM iM IM uM UM eM aiM oM auM oM a.N A.N i.N I.N u.N U.N e.N k kh g gh ~N / ka kha ga gha ~Na ch Ch j jh ~n / cha Cha ja jha ~na T Th D Dh N / Ta Tha Da Dha Na t th d dh n / ta tha da dha na p ph b bh m / pa pha ba bha ma y r l L v h / ya ra la La va ha sh Sh s j~n kSh tr shr / sha Sha sa kSha j~na tra shra q K G z .D .Dh f R zh / Ka Ga za .Da .Dha fa Ra zha

Here are HK typing keystrokes for left column to type Devanagari or IAST in right column on Aksharamukha. a A i I u U R RR lR lRR e ai o au aE aO aH am an aM AM iM IM uM UM eM aiM oM auM oM a~ A~ i~ I~ u~ U~ e~ k kh g gh G / ka kha ga gha Ga c ch j jh J / ca cha ja jha Ja T Th D Dh N / Ta Tha Da Dha Na t th d dh n / ta tha da dha na p ph b bh m / pa pha ba bha ma y r l L v h / ya ra la La va ha z S s jJ kS tr zr / za Sa sa kSa jJa tra zra q qh g2 z2 r3 r3h f r2 Z / qha g2a z2a r3a r3ha fa r2a Za

अ आ इ ई उ ऊ ऋ ॠ ऌ ॡ ए ऐ ओ औ ऍ ऑ अः अम्‌ अन्‌ अं आं इं ईं उं ऊं एं ऐं ओं औं ॐ अँ आँ इँ ईँ उँ ऊँ एँ क् ख् ग् घ् ङ् / क ख ग घ ङ च् छ् ज् झ् ञ् / च छ ज झ ञ ट् ठ् ड् ढ् ण् / ट ठ ड ढ ण त् थ् द् ध् न् / त थ द ध न प् फ् ब् भ् म् / प फ ब भ म य् र् ल् ळ् व् ह् / य र ल ळ व ह श् ष् स् ज्ञ् क्ष्‌ त्र् श्र्‌ / श ष स क्ष ज्ञ त्र श्र क़् ख़् ग़् ज़् ड़् ढ़् फ़् ऱ् ऴ् / ख़ ग़ ज़ ड़ ढ़ फ़ ऱ ऴ

IAST: a ā i ī u ū ṛ ṝ ḷ ḹ e ai o au æ ô aḥ am an aṃ āṃ iṃ īṃ uṃ ūṃ eṃ aiṃ oṃ auṃ oṃ am̐ ām̐ im̐ īm̐ um̐ ūm̐ em̐ k kh g gh ṅ / ka kha ga gha ṅa c ch j jh ñ / ca cha ja jha ña ṭ ṭh ḍ ḍh ṇ / ṭa ṭha ḍa ḍha ṇa t th d dh n / ta tha da dha na p ph b bh m / pa pha ba bha ma y r l l̤ v h / ya ra la l̤a va ha ś ṣ s jñ kṣ tr śr / śa ṣa sa kṣa jña tra śra q k͟h ġ z r̤ r̤h f ṟ ḻ / k͟ha ġa za r̤a r̤ha fa ṟa ḻa