virtualvivek / react-windows-ui

Build Windows native look & feel apps using ReactJS. Provides a set of accessible, reusable and composable react components that make it super easy to create websites and apps.
MIT License
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Do you have a plan to support tailwind? #32

Open zakeri-dev opened 4 months ago

zakeri-dev commented 4 months ago

Hi guys Two important questions 1- Do you have a plan to use tailwind? 2- Is it possible to participate in development and design?


virtualvivek commented 4 months ago

Hi @zakeri-dev,

Thanks for asking these questions

  1. Do you want to embed the tailwind on which sections ? Do you mean changing all the components from their specific .classes to the inline tailwind utility classes or in any specific section of the framework ?

  2. Yes. this is an open source project you are ok to modify/change anything in a away that your proficiency can be utilize to the betterment for everyone who are eager to make windows look and feel apps.