virtudraft / virtuNewsletter

Yet another MODX's newsletter package
9 stars 3 forks source link

Problem : White page in the manager (CMP) with virtuNewsletter #52

Open berj opened 5 years ago

berj commented 5 years ago

Local MAMP PRO : 5.2.2 Modx : 2.7.1 virtuNewsletter: 2.4.2 PHP : 5.6.37

Online Modx : 2.7.1 virtuNewsletter: 2.4.2 PHP : 5.5.38

I have insalled virtuNewsletter 2.4.2 (Local and online). When I click on the «virtuNewletter» item from the extras menu in the manager I got a white page.

Error message from local installation [2019-02-24 21:55:43] (ERROR in modManagerRequest::prepareResponse @ /Volumes/Mac HD1/webdev/colline/core/model/modx/modmanagerrequest.class.php : 187) modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace virtunewsletter to the routing based system.

Error message from online installation [2019-02-24 21:54:02] (ERROR in modManagerRequest::prepareResponse @ /home/bezenstu/core/model/modx/modmanagerrequest.class.php : 187) modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace virtunewsletter to the routing based system.

Here in attachment the file from the Modx Console Ouput.

output-2019-02-24 2132.txt

Thank you for help

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berj commented 5 years ago

Today on my local installation I have installed the version 2.4.0 of virtuNewsLetter with no problem.

I have access to the CMP of virtuNewsLetter correctly.

Is there a problem with version 2.4.2 during the installation?


karamble commented 5 years ago


Package preparing to install.

Grabbing package workspace...

Workspace environment initiated, now installing package...

modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace quip to the routing based system.

modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace gallery to the routing based system.

modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace virtunewsletter to the routing based system.

Created table modx_virtunewsletter_categories SQL: CREATE TABLE modx_virtunewsletter_categories (id INTEGER unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, description TEXT NULL, sort_index INT(10) unsigned NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (id)) ENGINE=MyISAM

Created table modx_virtunewsletter_categories_has_usergroups SQL: CREATE TABLE modx_virtunewsletter_categories_has_usergroups (id INTEGER unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, category_id INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL, usergroup_id INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), INDEX fk_modx_virtunewsletter_categories_has_modx_virtunewsletter_idx (usergroup_id), INDEX fk_modx_virtunewsletter_categories_has_modx_virtunewsletter_idx1 (category_id)) ENGINE=MyISAM

Created table modx_virtunewsletter_newsletters SQL: CREATE TABLE modx_virtunewsletter_newsletters (id INTEGER unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, parent_id INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', resource_id INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL, subject VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, content MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL, created_on INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL, created_by INT(10) unsigned NULL, scheduled_for INT(10) unsigned NULL, stopped_at INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', is_recurring TINYINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', recurrence_range VARCHAR(50) NULL, recurrence_number TINYINT(2) unsigned NULL, is_active TINYINT(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', is_paused TINYINT(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (id), INDEX resource_id (resource_id), INDEX parent_id (parent_id)) ENGINE=MyISAM

Created table modx_virtunewsletter_newsletters_has_categories SQL: CREATE TABLE modx_virtunewsletter_newsletters_has_categories (id INTEGER unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, newsletter_id INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL, category_id INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), INDEX fk_modx_virtunewsletter_newsletters_has_modx_virtunewslette_idx (category_id), INDEX fk_modx_virtunewsletter_newsletters_has_modx_virtunewslette_idx1 (newsletter_id)) ENGINE=MyISAM

Created table modx_virtunewsletter_reports SQL: CREATE TABLE modx_virtunewsletter_reports (id INTEGER unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, newsletter_id INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL, subscriber_id INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL, status VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, status_logged_on INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), INDEX fk_modx_virtunewsletter_reports_modx_virtunewsletter_newsle_idx (newsletter_id), INDEX fk_modx_virtunewsletter_reports_modx_virtunewsletter_subscr_idx (subscriber_id)) ENGINE=MyISAM

Created table modx_virtunewsletter_subscribers SQL: CREATE TABLE modx_virtunewsletter_subscribers (id INTEGER unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, user_id INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', email VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(255) NULL, email_provider VARCHAR(255) NULL, is_active TINYINT(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', hash VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), INDEX fk_modx_virtunewsletter_subscribers_modx_virtunewsletter_us_idx (user_id)) ENGINE=MyISAM

Created table modx_virtunewsletter_subscribers_has_categories SQL: CREATE TABLE modx_virtunewsletter_subscribers_has_categories (id INTEGER unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, subscriber_id INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL, category_id INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL, subscribed_on INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL, unsubscribed_on INT(10) unsigned NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), INDEX fk_modx_virtunewsletter_subscribers_has_modx_virtunewslette_idx (category_id), INDEX fk_modx_virtunewsletter_subscribers_has_modx_virtunewslette_idx1 (subscriber_id)) ENGINE=MyISAM

Created table modx_virtunewsletter_templates SQL: CREATE TABLE modx_virtunewsletter_templates (id INTEGER unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, culture_key VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, subject VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, content TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id)) ENGINE=MyISAM

Successfully installed package virtunewsletter-2.4.2-pl

/ EOF /