visfest / topics2015

A place to collaborate on session topics for the 2015 d3.unconf
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Measure the Community #7

Open emeeks opened 8 years ago

emeeks commented 8 years ago

D3 has 40,000 stars but we don't really have a good sense of the people using it. Let's design the ultimate survey and do a d3.census() that provides a dataset of skill, job types, fields, process, practice and whatever else we can measure about the community. And then we'll have a great open dataset that anyone can use to create awesome data visualization.

erikhazzard commented 8 years ago


enjalot commented 8 years ago


jhellier commented 8 years ago

+1 Getting an idea of the companies that are using D3 would be cool, too. Plus, there is a lot of work that ends up being used for internal use only and therefore we don't see. In an effort to convince other companies (mine included) to fund building out visualization groups whether using D3 or not, it would be great to have case studies that show the value, including describing the journey, not just the final visualization. We all know that D3 is ultra-cool but many of the companies we work for are still struggling with what data is let alone how to visualize it. Having real world validation would go a long way to convincing certain managers that it would be money well spent.

micahstubbs commented 8 years ago


shobhitg commented 8 years ago

+1 Humongous amount of d3 work is internal, which never sees the light of open source. An ongoing long term live survey would definitely help in assessing usage.