visgl /

WebGL2 powered visualization framework
MIT License
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Incorrect vector tile extent when using StaticMap in's `gl` context #4521

Closed kylebarron closed 4 years ago

kylebarron commented 4 years ago


Vector tiles aren't clipped: image

Edit: This is solved, see below White canvas while panning: Screen Recording 2020-04-21 at 6 52 36 PM

Repro Steps

A small reproducible App.js, and the custom style.json it references. (mapbox-gl.css is the standard Mapbox GL JS css).

App.js ```jsx import React from "react" import DeckGL from "" import { StaticMap } from "react-map-gl" import { pushContextState, popContextState } from "" // You'll get obscure errors without including the Mapbox GL CSS import "../css/mapbox-gl.css"; const mapStyle = require("./style.json") const initialViewState = { longitude: -112.1861, latitude: 36.1284, zoom: 12.1, pitch: 0, bearing: 0, } export default class Map extends React.Component { state = {} // DeckGL and mapbox will both draw into this WebGL context _onWebGLInitialized = gl => { this.setState({ gl }) } render() { const { gl } = this.state return ( { // save a reference to the Deck instance this._deck = ref && ref.deck }} initialViewState={initialViewState} onBeforeRender={() => pushContextState(gl)} onAfterRender={() => popContextState(gl)} controller onWebGLInitialized={this._onWebGLInitialized} > {gl && ( { // save a reference to the mapboxgl.Map instance this._map = ref && ref.getMap() }} gl={gl} mapStyle={mapStyle} mapOptions={{ hash: true }} /> )} ) } } ```
style.json ```json { "version": 8, "name": "OSM Liberty", "metadata": { "maputnik:license": "", "maputnik:renderer": "mbgljs" }, "sources": { "openmaptiles": { "type": "vector", "url": "" }, "natural_earth_shaded_relief": { "maxzoom": 6, "tileSize": 256, "tiles": [ "{z}/{x}/{y}.png" ], "type": "raster" } }, "sprite": "", "glyphs": "{fontstack}/{range}.pbf", "layers": [ { "id": "background", "type": "background", "paint": { "background-color": "rgb(239,239,239)" } }, { "id": "natural_earth", "type": "raster", "source": "natural_earth_shaded_relief", "maxzoom": 6, "paint": { "raster-opacity": { "base": 1.5, "stops": [ [ 0, 0.6 ], [ 6, 0.1 ] ] } } }, { "id": "park", "type": "fill", "source": "openmaptiles", "source-layer": "park", "paint": { "fill-color": "#d8e8c8", "fill-opacity": 0.7, "fill-outline-color": "rgba(95, 208, 100, 1)" } }, { "id": "park_outline", "type": "line", "source": "openmaptiles", "source-layer": "park", "paint": { "line-dasharray": [ 1, 1.5 ], "line-color": "rgba(228, 241, 215, 1)" } }, { "id": "landuse_residential", "type": "fill", "source": "openmaptiles", "source-layer": "landuse", "maxzoom": 8, "filter": [ "==", "class", "residential" ], "paint": { "fill-color": { "base": 1, "stops": [ [ 9, "hsla(0, 3%, 85%, 0.84)" ], [ 12, "hsla(35, 57%, 88%, 0.49)" ] ] } } }, { "id": "landcover_wood", "type": "fill", "source": "openmaptiles", "source-layer": "landcover", "filter": [ "all", [ "==", "class", "wood" ] ], "paint": { "fill-antialias": false, "fill-color": "hsla(98, 61%, 72%, 0.7)", "fill-opacity": 0.4 } }, { "id": "landcover_grass", "type": "fill", "source": "openmaptiles", "source-layer": "landcover", "filter": [ "all", [ "==", "class", "grass" ] ], "paint": { "fill-antialias": false, "fill-color": "rgba(176, 213, 154, 1)", "fill-opacity": 0.3 } }, { "id": "landcover_ice", "type": "fill", "source": "openmaptiles", "source-layer": "landcover", "filter": [ "all", [ "==", "class", "ice" ] ], "paint": { "fill-antialias": false, 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Environment (please complete the following information):



wlfei0502 commented 4 years ago

You have to add a blank layer with the deck context when the map is loaded.

Refer to the doc

_onMapLoad = () => {
    const map = this._map;
    const deck = this._deck;

    map.addLayer(new MapboxLayer({id: 'blank-scatterplot', deck}));

  render() {
    const {gl} = this.state;
    const layers = [
        new ScatterplotLayer({
            id: 'blank-scatterplot',
wlfei0502 commented 4 years ago

Looking forward to a better answer

kylebarron commented 4 years ago

Thanks! You're right that that solves half my problem.

I'm able to create a ScatterplotLayer dot underneath Mapbox layers: image

However the other half of the problem still exists: Mapbox isn't rendering its areal vector tile layers correctly. You can see the overlap between neighboring tiles in that screenshot.

Current code:

import React from "react";
import DeckGL from "";
import { ScatterplotLayer } from "";
import { MapboxLayer } from "";
import { StaticMap } from "react-map-gl";
import { pushContextState, popContextState } from "";

// You'll get obscure errors without including the Mapbox GL CSS
import "./mapbox-gl.css";

const mapStyle = require("./style.json");

const initialViewState = {
  longitude: -112.1861,
  latitude: 36.1284,
  zoom: 12.1,
  pitch: 0,
  bearing: 0,

export default class Map extends React.Component {
  state = {};

  // DeckGL and mapbox will both draw into this WebGL context
  _onWebGLInitialized = (gl) => {
    this.setState({ gl });

  _onMapLoad = () => {
    const map = this._map;
    const deck = this._deck;

    // This id has to match the id of the Deck layer
      new MapboxLayer({ id: "my-scatterplot", deck }),

  render() {
    const { gl } = this.state;
    const layers = [
      new ScatterplotLayer({
        id: "my-scatterplot",
        data: [{ position: [-112.152317, 36.0723292], size: 100 }],
        getPosition: (d) => d.position,
        getRadius: (d) => d.size,
        getFillColor: [0, 0, 255],

    return (
        ref={(ref) => {
          // save a reference to the Deck instance
          this._deck = ref && ref.deck;
        onBeforeRender={() => pushContextState(gl)}
        onAfterRender={() => popContextState(gl)}
        {gl && (
            ref={(ref) => {
              // save a reference to the mapboxgl.Map instance
              this._map = ref && ref.getMap();
            mapOptions={{ hash: true }}
kylebarron commented 4 years ago

It happily does also work this way with the TileLayer: (you can see the vector labels from Mapbox above the OSM tiles) image

      new MapboxLayer({ id: "tile-layer", deck }),


      new TileLayer({
        id: 'tile-layer',
        data: "{z}/{x}/{y}.png",

        pickable: true,
        onHover: this._onHover,
        autoHighlight: true,
        highlightColor: [60, 60, 60, 40],
        minZoom: 0,
        maxZoom: 19,

        renderSubLayers: (props) => {
          const {
            bbox: { west, south, east, north },
          } = props.tile;

          return new BitmapLayer(props, {
            data: null,
            bounds: [west, south, east, north],
Pessimistress commented 4 years ago

Try add glOptions={{stencil: true}} to DeckGL.

kylebarron commented 4 years ago

Cool, that worked! Are there any downsides to that?