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MapboxLayer from z-fighting with mapbox layers #4680

Open Akiyamka opened 4 years ago

Akiyamka commented 4 years ago


DeckGl integrated in mapbox gl context as MapboxLayer render overlay that falls under a layer of mapbox water when bearing closer to 0. Video image

Repro Steps

Create deck-gl layer and wrap it in MapboxLayer

import { ScatterplotLayer } from '';
import { MapboxLayer } from '';

const deckLayer = new ScatterplotLayer({
  id: 'scatter-plot',
  data: (''),
  radiusScale: 40,
  radiusMinPixels: 0.5,
  getPosition: (d) => [d[0], d[1]],
  getFillColor: (d) => (d[2] === 1 ? [0, 128, 255] : [255, 0, 128]),

const deck = new Deck({
  layers: [deckLayer],
  initialViewState: { ... },
  controller: true,

const mapboxLayer = new MapboxLayer({ id: 'deck-gl-layer', deck });

I was also found that the problem DID NOT OCCUR in next scenario:

import { ScatterplotLayer } from '';
import { MapboxLayer } from '';

const mapboxLayer = new MapboxLayer({
  type: ScatterplotLayer,
  id: 'scatter-plot',
  data: (''),
  radiusScale: 40,
  radiusMinPixels: 0.5,
  getPosition: (d) => [d[0], d[1]],
  getFillColor: (d) => (d[2] === 1 ? [0, 128, 255] : [255, 0, 128]),


Environment (please complete the following information):

Pessimistress commented 4 years ago

I believe mapbox adds a small shift to the depth when rendering each 2D layer. You can try compensate for that by adding a small z to the layer in getPosition.

Akiyamka commented 4 years ago

@Pessimistress nice theory but in practice it was not confirmed, I add z coordinate in getPosition and recorded video where you can see that the position is completely ignored in the top view

Akiyamka commented 4 years ago

First of all I would like to understand this is a problem on the deck gl or mapbox side

Pessimistress commented 4 years ago

Can you try adding this prop to your scatterplot layer:

parameters: {
  depthRange: [0, 1]
Akiyamka commented 4 years ago

@Pessimistress I add it in right place?

  new ScatterplotLayer({
      id: 'scatter-plot',
      data: ('' as unknown),
      radiusScale: 30,
      radiusMinPixels: 0.5,
      getPosition: (d) => [d[0], d[1], 100],
      getFillColor: (d) => (d[2] === 1 ? MALE_COLOR : FEMALE_COLOR),
      parameters: {
        depthRange: [0, 1]

Currently I'm not see any changes.

Pessimistress commented 4 years ago

Never mind, read your code again -

const mapboxLayer = new MapboxLayer({ id: 'deck-gl-layer', deck: deckLayer });

should be

const mapboxLayer = new MapboxLayer({ id: 'scatter-plot', deck: deck});


Akiyamka commented 4 years ago

@Pessimistress Please excuse me for confusing you with my typo in the example. Of course, I passed not the layer but the deckgl itself. I create working example:

Akiyamka commented 4 years ago

That issue can be relevant to this bug?

Akiyamka commented 4 years ago
parameters: {
  depthTest: false

The depthTest: false parameter fixed the problem with water and flickering points. This is not a solution to the problem, because 3D extrusion is now displayed incorrectly, but it may be closer to understanding the problem of someone who understands it better than me

Pessimistress commented 4 years ago

This may be related to how mapbox manipulate their layers' depthRange: