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wrapLongitude problem with trips-layer #5631

Open carloscascos opened 3 years ago

carloscascos commented 3 years ago


When animating trips of ships across the Pacific, lines were drawn across the globe when crossing longitude 180º I read that wrapLongitude: True would solve the issue, and partially did, but the animation changes , less objects are visualized and at times nothing is displayed.

Expected Behavior

I would expect the same visualization with the property set to True and False. Only the crossing lines disappearing, but it alters the result visualization significantly (seems that there is no traffic in certain days).

Repro Steps

I have a simple page example of my case at:

1) Start the app 2 ) Press 2 (for a scenario with high number of Pacific crossings) 3 ) Press + to accelerate the loop ( data is for 60 days) 4) Repeat 1 to 3 changing the value of wrapLongitude (trips.js, line 114) and compare



I recorded two videos to show the effect just changing the wrapLongitude property: wrapLongitude : True wrapLongitude : False

Pessimistress commented 3 years ago

There is unfortunately no quick fix for this bug. Basically the result returned by getTimestamps is not split at the Mercator bounds with the geometry.

As a temporary work around you'll need to disable wrapLongitude and add/subtract 360 to the offending longitudes (e.g. instead of drawing a path from -170,0 to 170,0, change the destination to -190,0).

carloscascos commented 3 years ago

Thanks, we will try that workaround. Rgds, \

EmilyFitzgerald commented 2 years ago

@Pessimistress - If I can add a question to this (happy to start a new question if that is more appropriate). I've got a map where I have added 360 to the longitudes, in order to have the arcs and the trips travel across the Pacific (it's showing movement from the US to Australia and South East Asia). However, on doing this, when I try and zoom in to the United States, the arcs or trips move across to the next map in the wrap/loop, and so I can't zoom in on the map.

Short video to show what is happening:

Code for trip layer:

import React, { useState } from "react";
import "mapbox-gl/dist/mapbox-gl.css";
import Map from "react-map-gl";
import DeckGL from "";
import { ScatterplotLayer, PathLayer, ArcLayer } from "";
import { TripsLayer } from "";
import exampleData from "../data/example.json";

const accessToken = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN;

function MyMap(props) {
  const [initialViewState, setInitialViewState] = useState({
    longitude: 180,
    latitude: 0,
    zoom: 1.5,
    minZoom: 1.5,
    maxZoom: 16,
    pitch: 5,
    bearing: 0,

  const tripsLayer = new TripsLayer({
    id: "trips-layer",
    data: exampleData,
    pickable: true,
    getPath: (d) => => p.coordinates),
    getTimestamps: (d) => => p.timestamp),
    getColor: (d) => d.map_color,
    wrapLongitude: false,
    opacity: 0.6,
    widthMinPixels: 8,
    jointRounded: true,
    capRounded: true,
    fadeTrail: true,
    trailLength: 0.8,
    currentTime: props.year,
    visible: props.trips,

  return (
      className="d-flex justify-content-center"
      style={{ paddingTop: "0.5em" }}
        className="col-12 border"
        style={{ height: "90vh", width: "95vw", position: "relative" }}

Is there any advice on how to stop this happening?