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pydeck: Loading a local .glb file in ScenegraphLayer #6348

Open harisbal opened 2 years ago

harisbal commented 2 years ago

Discussed in

Originally posted by **harisbal** October 25, 2021 At the moment pydeck cannot load a local `.glb` file to use in the `ScenegraphLayer` Assuming that a BoxAnimated.glb file exists in the folder, the following **does not** work: ```python import pydeck as pdk layer = pdk.Layer( "ScenegraphLayer", data=[{'coordinates': [-122.466233, 37.684638]}], scenegraph=r'./BoxAnimated.glb', get_position="coordinates", ) view_state = pdk.ViewState(latitude=37.684638, longitude=-122.466233, zoom=18, bearing=0, pitch=0) r = pdk.Deck(layer, initial_view_state=view_state, map_style="light") ```
kylebarron commented 2 years ago

I assume glb is a binary format? We could load it on the Python side, serialize it literally to JS as we do with Numpy arrays, then use that ArrayBuffer on the JS side?

Pessimistress commented 2 years ago

@kylebarron GLB is the binary format of GLTF. I believe pydeck has implemented a mechanism to transport binary data. We have an experimental feature on the JavaScript side to resolve data locally:

deck._addResources({my_model: <uint8array>}); // a resource is arbitrary content

const layer = new ScenegraphLayer({
  scenegraph: 'deck://my_model' // this will resolve to the above content
deck.setProps({layers: [layer]});
kylebarron commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the background; I've never worked with 3D models myself.

I believe pydeck has implemented a mechanism to transport binary data.

Yes, in we have implementations for serializing a Numpy array to a binary format, and then passing that binary data over Jupyter's "Comm" Mechanism to the JS side. So we'd just need to adjust _prepare_binary_data to handle other data objects than Pandas DataFrames. In this case, we'd just need to accept the binary data blob given by the user.

harisbal commented 2 years ago

Hello. Is there any possibility to add this feature in the near future?