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[Bug] CollisionFilterExtension hides all data in Mapbox interleaved when above BitmapLayer #7864

Open zakjan opened 1 year ago

zakjan commented 1 year ago


In Mapbox interleaved, when a layer with CollisionFilterExtension is above BitmapLayer, all data are hidden.

In the attached Codepen, all circles in ScatterplotLayer are hidden.

The circles are shown if BitmapLayer or CollisionFilterExtension is commented out, or if layers are swapped (a layer with CollisionFilterExtension below BitmapLayer, reduced opacity of BitmapLayer), or when using standalone


Expected Behavior

The circles are shown above BitmapLayer in Mapbox interleaved.

Steps to Reproduce


Logs texture: Texture(texture-2,3600x400) is Non-Power-Of-Two, disabling mipmaping

felixpalmer commented 1 year ago

I've tried extensively to understand how the GL state changes in the different scenarios and matching it but I cannot get it to work. I did this by capturing the GL state using getParameters both when the CollisionExtensionPass is rendered as well as when the CollisionFilterExtension draws and manually ensuring the state is the same by patching using withParameters. Even with the same state it doesn't work.

One thing I did notice is that maplibre is using a WebGL1 context, which could be a source of the error. Additionally, Maplibre appears to be close to releasing 3.0 which will completely remove WebGL1 support. As this is a fairly niche issue (and can be worked around by using interleaved: false) I propose we wait for Maplibre 3.0 and see if the bug is still present there

@zakjan do you know if this ever worked with a past version of deck?

felixpalmer commented 1 year ago

@zakjan you can workaround your issue by reversing the layer order but forcing a different z-order using getPolygonOffset

new deck.ScatterplotLayer({
  getPolygonOffset: () => [0, -2]
new deck.BitmapLayer({
  getPolygonOffset: () => [0, -1]
zakjan commented 1 year ago

The same behavior is with Mapbox and Maplibre. There is experimental Mapbox flag useWebGL2: true, but it doesn't help, so WebGL version seems irrelevant. Mapbox isn't fully committed to WebGL2 yet anyway.

I'm not sure about earlier deck versions, CollisionFilterExtension was released in 8.9.0, and I wasn't familiar much with the underlying features before.

Reordering layers works indeed. I've used getPolygonOffset for similar occasions as well. Is it possible that the issue is related to the relative layer rendering order, caused when BitmapLayer is rendered first?

felixpalmer commented 1 year ago

That's why I tried to compare the GL state in the different cases - it is very strange that for the bug to be triggered you need both the BitmapLayer and the MapboxOverlay

zakjan commented 1 year ago

I've found it's not specific to BitmapLayer.

It happens only when there are two different layers. Works for two layers of the same kind.

Does somehow group layers of the same kind together?

zakjan commented 1 year ago

I've updated all pens to the recently released Maplibre 3.0.0, the issue persists.

zakjan commented 1 year ago

I've found why the issue hasn't occurred with two layers of the same kind. I forgot to set their id, the default ids are duplicate. Setting different ids triggers the issue for them as well.

just-website commented 7 months ago

Got this problem with two Icon layers. deck 8.9.34 maplibre 3.6.2

Layers are hidden if you use CollisionFilterExtension and set interleaved: true for layer or if you use CollisionFilterExtension and you add a layer with MapboxLayer adapter (mapLibre.addLayer(new MapboxLayer({ ...layerProps }))

moong23 commented 2 months ago

Any progress on this bug? I have been using IconLayer, PathLayer, SimpleMeshLayer with the PointerCloudLayer as interleaved: true set. And having the same problem here. 9.0.8 mapbox-gl: 3.2.0

felixpalmer commented 2 months ago

@moong23 @just-website @zakjan I'm afraid that I'm not going to be able to find the time to look at this soon, so would appreciate a helping hand in hunting down the cause. It would be useful to answer the following questions to understand the root cause:

moong23 commented 2 months ago

@moong23 @just-website @zakjan I'm afraid that I'm not going to be able to find the time to look at this soon, so would appreciate a helping hand in hunting down the cause. It would be useful to answer the following questions to understand the root cause:

I'm not sure if all the others will have same results. But hope this could help a bit.