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Interactive feature of Tiles3DLoader #1203

Closed enersis-pst closed 11 months ago

enersis-pst commented 3 years ago

Hello, like i also desribe in i would like to interact with the features of a Tiles3DLoader source.

This means:

like i undertand this is at this moment not possible because the functionality of object selection is still in progress, right?

ibgreen commented 3 years ago

This is definitely something we would love to support. However, there is no resource working on 3D Tiles selection at the moment. We would welcome contributions and we could even connect you with resources who can do the work.

We are currently working on object selection for the I3SLoader, you can test it out the early work-in-progress in examples/experimental/i3s-picking.

We also have a 3D Tiles to I3S tile-converter, so you could potentially convert your tileset and get access to the new functionality as it becomes available.

enersis-pst commented 3 years ago

@ibgreen can i run the I3S files from a normal web server or need it to be in some way a specific? Also i dont find any info on the web about what exactly is the difference of 3D-tiles and I3S and why to use I3S instead of 3D-Tiles. For me it looks like its a specific format using by esri but also like the same as 3D-Tiles. Maybe the main difference is that is can have many layers (like mvt)?

ibgreen commented 3 years ago


like i undertand this is at this moment not possible because the functionality of object selection is still in progress, right?

object selection (for I3S) is indeed in progress and object selection is now working in our I3S example:

can i run the I3S files from a normal web server or need it to be in some way a specific?

Yes. If you have an unpacked tree of tiles you can do that. If you want to serve from an SLPK archive it is a bit more complicated, but if you upload your data to arcgis it should handle it.

what exactly is the difference of 3D-tiles and I3S and why to use I3S instead of 3D-Tiles. For me it looks like its a specific format using by esri but also like the same as 3D-Tiles.

Yes it is an interesting situation. The two formats were developed in parallel by Cesium and Esri. I consider them effectively equivalent, and both are standardized by the Open Geospatial Consortium. Either should serve your needs very well.

3D Tiles are of course supported by Cesium's tools, and I3S by ArcGIS, so if you are beholden to a specific tool that will influence your choice. That said, I am also aware that there are efforts to improve compatibility across the tools, so things are gradually improving.

FWIW, we developed the tile-converter to make it easier to work with massive 3D data without worrying too much about the initial choice of format.

Finally, at the moment support is a little stronger for I3S due to a strong ongoing collaboration with Esri, so if you want to use ,that could be a possible argument for choosing I3S. However, Cesium has also supported in the past and our ambition is ultimately to have full mature support for both standards.

enersis-pst commented 3 years ago

@ibgreen thanks very much for that info. And also for that work. Nice to see that its going on. I will convert my data and check it with the i3s loader.

enersis-pst commented 3 years ago

@ibgreen the converted i3s looks very strange on the viewer. 3d Tool looked good on

the command was nothing special npx tile-converter --input-type 3DTILES --tileset ./outputC2/tileset.json --name test --output ./i3s/

with image

with Tile3DLayer image

files are in zip. 3d-tiles was created with geodan converter

ibgreen commented 3 years ago

@dryabinin-actionengine Can we do a quick test on why the tile-converter fails on this tileset?

dryabinin94 commented 3 years ago

@ibgreen @enersis-pst Yes I took a look on that. Converter is not failed but looks like generates wrong geometry. Will investigate an issue and let you know about that.

enersis-pst commented 3 years ago

@ibgreen Hey, i followed a little bit the work for the last month and hoped, that all the features could be implemented :-). Now it looks for me that the work on i3S is standing still. Do you know how it will go on? Maybe not only for I3S but also for 3D-Tiles?

ibgreen commented 3 years ago

Hi @enersis-pst,

One issue here is that I3S and 3D tiles modules are not currently a focus for the two major contributors to (Unfolded/Foursquare and CARTO), so work on these modules is dependent on other contributions.

For I3S, we have been fortunate that Esri has stepped in as a major supporter of As a result, there has been a full-time team dedicated to improving I3S. At the moment this team is in between milestones, planning for the next phase of development, which is why you may have seen some slowdown in PRs. Obviously, the more I3S usage and interest there is, the more likely it is that this effort continues.

We do have monthly open governance meetings, ping us on the slack if you'd like to join those (or just have more in-depth discussions about this or other questions).

enersis-pst commented 3 years ago

hey @ibgreen thanks for this detail informations. I really hoped that the interesst on i3s will grow, its a cool feature also for mapbox. Cross fingers that esri will continue :-) Thanks for your offer.

ibgreen commented 11 months ago

Closing for inactivity