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GeoTIFF loader #1280

Open zakjan opened 3 years ago

zakjan commented 3 years ago

Target Use case

Loading GeoTIFF raster data (including float bands) and rendering them with

Proposed feature package using geotiff.js inside

ibgreen commented 3 years ago

@zakjan this could be a nice addition. If you are interested in working on this happy to sync on the best approach.

im28 commented 1 year ago

This seems to be solved by #1469 & #1448 Unfortunately, there is no proper documentation on the website.

giovannicimolin commented 7 months ago

Hey folks,

I'm trying to display a GeoTIFF orthophoto on a map but I don't have a good idea of where to start. There's not a lot of documentation on the geotiff module and I'm not familiar with how loaders fully work.

Is it currently possible to use the GeoTIFF module to load aerial images into a BitmapLayer? If not, can you point me to some resources on things missing for this to happen? (I can try to hack together a loader for this). If yes, can you give me a barebones example or simple explanation? (I can contribute documentation for it).

ibgreen commented 7 months ago

The viv team (who do molecular biology visualizations using, see the showcases page) have used OME TIFF with to great effect. They contributed their loader to but unfortunately there has not been sufficient time to get everything working with GeoTIFFs so it remains an undocumented module.

I saw a recent post from @kylebarron around the topic so maybe there is something in the works.

If you are serious about getting this working in a reusable way I can provide more support.

kylebarron commented 7 months ago

I don't have any plans myself to work on/improve a GeoTIFF loader in JS. You may want to read the documentation for the underlying geotiff.js as well

ibgreen commented 7 months ago

The existing code is here:

giovannicimolin commented 7 months ago

@ibgreen @kylebarron After spending a few hours banging my head on the keyboard I've finally managed to display a simple GeoTIFF orthophoto as a Deck.GL layer using BitmapLayer.

Most of the time, it was a learning experience and I ended up trying many things until I found a solution that worked. A few notes about it:

Here's how I did it:

import { fromArrayBuffer  } from "geotiff";

const loadGeoTiff = async (data: ArrayBuffer) => {
    // Load using Geotiff.js
    const tiff = await fromArrayBuffer(data);

    // Assumes we only have one image inside TIFF
    const image = await tiff.getImage();

    // Read image and size
    const rgbData = await image.readRGB({enableAlpha: true});
    const width = image.getWidth();
    const height = image.getHeight();

    // Create a new ImageData object
    const imageData = new ImageData(width, height); Uint8ClampedArray(rgbData as unknown as Uint8Array));
    return imageData;

export const GeoTiffLoader = {
    id: "GeoTIFF",
    name: 'GeoTIFF',
    module: '',
    version: '1',
    options: {},
    mimeTypes: ["image/tiff", "image/geotiff"],
    extensions: ['geotiff', 'tiff'],
    parse: loadGeoTiff,

Let me know if this is a good (and acceptable) starting point for a contribution. I'm happy to help in any way I can. :grin:

ibgreen commented 7 months ago

@giovannicimolin I think this would be a very nice contribution. For full control we need to build something like a GeoTIFFSource that lets the application load individual bands etc. But in parallel it is nice to offer an easy-to-use GeoTIFFLoader and the above looks like a great start.

We would need an (ideally small) geotiff sample file (either in the test/data directory or contributed to repo) and a test case that loaded it successfully.

For longer term:

type GeoReferencedImage  = {
  crs: ...,
  image: Image...;

- We would want to add an example to that shows it working with
giovannicimolin commented 7 months ago

@ibgreen Started a WIP PR here:

I added a few TODO items and will work on making it more complete in the next few weeks. Also, I don't know exactly how the split the code into the already existing folders, so comments are welcome!