visgl / react-map-gl

React friendly API wrapper around MapboxGL JS
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[Bug] draw polygon don't work with projection globe #2091

Open 383bd03d opened 1 year ago

383bd03d commented 1 year ago


Unexpected behaviour when projection is globe - polygon is not closed by clicking on vertex or same issue after flyTo animation

Expected Behavior

No response

Steps to Reproduce with projection "globe"



No response

383bd03d commented 1 year ago

It starts working after a bit updating useControl:

export default function DrawControl(props: DrawControlProps) {
    () => new MapboxDraw(props),
    ({map}: {map: MapRef}) => {
      map.on('draw.create', props.onCreate);
      map.on('draw.update', props.onUpdate);
      map.on('draw.delete', props.onDelete);
    ({map}: {map: MapRef}) => {'draw.create', props.onCreate);'draw.update', props.onUpdate);'draw.delete', props.onDelete);
      position: props.position

  return null;



But still don't work if use flyTo before start draw polygon

383bd03d commented 1 year ago

I think the error occurs when changing the projection from zoom 0 to the moment when the map becomes flat

383bd03d commented 1 year ago

Also this error does not occur when using pure mapbox gl

Pessimistress commented 1 year ago

mapbox-gl switches between globe and mercator projection under the hood based on zoom level. Unfortunately this behavior is not exposed to third party libraries. The same applies to a lot of mapbox's recent features including terrain, globe, etc. I can try to match it by looking into their source code, but there is no guarantee that it will continue to work with their future releases. You can find a related discussion here.

383bd03d commented 1 year ago

This bug related to react-map-gl, not to mapbox-gl, because "Also this error does not occur when using pure mapbox gl"

Pessimistress commented 1 year ago

Let me clarify. Yes, I understand that this is a problem in react-map-gl. It's not easy to fix because mapbox-gl does not expose any API that notifies react-map-gl when it switches projection modes under the hood.