visgl / react-map-gl

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[Bug] Geojson Point (circle layer) disapear on low zoom #2223

Closed hugo-lovighi closed 1 year ago

hugo-lovighi commented 1 year ago


I'm testing the last 7.1.2 version and I've notice some issues between zoom and layer (circle layer here).

As you can see on the codesandbox below, i import 1 Polygon (fill layer) and 2 Points (circle layer).

On initialViewState, With a zoom of 6, we can see the 2 blue circle Points but with a zoom of 5, the circles disappear.

I seems to be related to the zoom projection map on style streets-v12

Did you have any idea or tricks to fix this problem ?

Thanks ! :)

Expected Behavior

The 2 blue circles points should be visible on any initial zoom

Steps to Reproduce



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