QuizMaster is a comprehensive quiz application that allows users to create, take, and manage quizzes. The project is built using Node.js, Express, MongoDB for the backend, and React for the frontend. It provides features such as user authentication, quiz management, progress tracking, and viewing detailed quiz statistics.
Implementing a search functionality where users can input a Quiz ID to retrieve quiz details from a backend API.
Adding a loading indicator (CircularProgress) inside the search button using Material-UI, which appears while the request is being processed.
Displaying quiz details such as title, last updated date, owner, and more, once fetched.
Ensuring smooth user experience by automatically scrolling down to the quiz details section upon successful search.
Using Material-UI for styling, including a custom Typography header.
This structure adds efficiency and responsiveness to the quiz-taking process.
This closes #97
Implementing a search functionality where users can input a Quiz ID to retrieve quiz details from a backend API.
Adding a loading indicator (CircularProgress) inside the search button using Material-UI, which appears while the request is being processed. Displaying quiz details such as title, last updated date, owner, and more, once fetched. Ensuring smooth user experience by automatically scrolling down to the quiz details section upon successful search. Using Material-UI for styling, including a custom Typography header. This structure adds efficiency and responsiveness to the quiz-taking process. This closes #97