vishapoberon / compiler

vishap oberon compiler
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Undefined reference #43

Closed deevans closed 7 years ago

deevans commented 7 years ago

Trying to reproduce the Pascal copytext using J&K Software Tools modules results in the following:

copy.mod compiling copy. Main program. 259 chars. /tmp/ccsPZDIr.o: In function main': /home/sinuhe/src/obn/copy.c:14: undefined reference toFilters__init' /home/sinuhe/src/obn/copy.c:17: undefined reference to `Filters_copy' collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status Assemble and link: gcc -fPIC -g -I "/opt/voc/include" copy.c -o copy -L"/opt/voc/lib" -l voc -- failed: status 0, exitcode 1. Terminated by Halt(1).

The following code was used:


PROCEDURE getc*(VAR c: CHAR): CHAR; VAR ch: CHAR; BEGIN ulmIO.Read(ch); IF ~ulmIO.Done THEN c := EOF ELSE c := ch END; RETURN c END getc;

PROCEDURE putc*(c: CHAR); BEGIN ulmIO.Write(c) END putc;

END Prims.

MODULE Filters; IMPORT Prims;

PROCEDURE copy*; VAR c: CHAR; BEGIN WHILE (Prims.getc(c) # Prims.EOF) DO Prims.putc(c) END END copy;

END Filters.

MODULE copy; IMPORT Filters; BEGIN Filters.copy END copy.

These were compiled with the following commands, assuming separate files for each module:

voc Prims.mod; voc Filters.mod; voc -m copy.mod

This is on Fedora 24 with GCC 6.1.1.

Is there something I'm doing wrong?

Oddly, a more classic copytext works, as it is essentially the same program:

MODULE copytext; IMPORT ulmIO; VAR ch: CHAR;

BEGIN ulmIO.Read(ch); WHILE ulmIO.Done DO ulmIO.Write(ch); ulmIO.Read(ch); END END copytext.

deevans commented 7 years ago

I take that back: the copytext module compiled, but did not work correctly:

% ./copytext hello, world % llo, world -bash: llo,: command not found

This almost looks like a problem with the ulmIO library. I wonder if rewriting the above with a different library (oo2c?) might change the result.

norayr commented 7 years ago

try more classical approach:

MODULE hello;
  IMPORT Oberon, Texts;
  VAR W: Texts.Writer;
  Texts.WriteString(W, "Hello."); Texts.WriteLn(W);
  Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf)
END hello.

or Console module

MODULE hello;
  IMPORT Console;
  Console.String("Hello."); Console.Ln;
END hello.

will it work?

norayr commented 7 years ago

also, i did not understand, do you have troubles compiling it?

then may be

voc -s Prims.mod Filters.mod copy.mod -m

will work better for you? I'll see your comments after several hours.

norayr commented 7 years ago

from what I see now, it stalls in endless loop in Filters.copy.

norayr commented 7 years ago

I can compile it.

deevans commented 7 years ago

will work better for you?

Yes, that works for compiling, but the Ulm library seems broken.

However, if I want to build several programs, does that mean I have to rebuild Prims and Filters each time? Shouldn't I be able to build once, then relink against the existing module?

norayr commented 7 years ago

no, it works for me, if it's the expected behaviour.

noch@debed /tmp $ ./copy 
noch@debed /tmp $ 
norayr commented 7 years ago

Shouldn't I be able to build once, then relink against the existing module?

right now voc has no 'make' functionality. i don't know if it's better to write a separate make tool, use gnu make for that, or include such a feature in voc itself.

norayr commented 7 years ago

i am afraid right now you have to link by hand with gnu ld, in order to link with already existing object files.

norayr commented 7 years ago

I'll write here how makefile can look like, when reach home.

norayr commented 7 years ago

copytext.Mod also works for me:

 $ ./copytext 
noch@debed /tmp $ 
deevans commented 7 years ago

% voc -s Prims.mod Filters.mod copy.mod -m Prims.mod compiling Prims. New symbol file. 505 chars. Filters.mod compiling Filters. New symbol file. 385 chars. copy.mod compiling copy. Main program. 259 chars. % ./copy hello, world % ello, world -bash: ello,: command not found

Oddly, this also creates a Prims and FIlters binary, which I don't need, but that seems an artifact of not being able to build the module for export.

deevans commented 7 years ago

I notice you're typing Ctrl-C. On Unix, Ctrl-d would be the appropriate way to end that session.

deevans commented 7 years ago

I take that back about the Prims and Filters binaries. That was a remnant of a previous command.

deevans commented 7 years ago

One final note, this particular test is on a 32-bit, not 64-bit, install of Fedora 24.

norayr commented 7 years ago

try this, i also included binaries. it generates .o files, and leaves them. it's okay. do you mean object files by saying binaries? they are not executable files.

norayr commented 7 years ago

you can make clean them if you want.

norayr commented 7 years ago

i also will update the makefile so that it would be possible to not build every file again.

norayr commented 7 years ago

I am on x86_64. Can you try it on x86_64 and confirm the same results? May it be that UlmIO is broken for x86 or 32 bits?

deevans commented 7 years ago

I did not mean .o files. When I ran voc -ms Filters... it created a Filters executable. Again, never mind that. It is a remnant of an experiment, not the commands I posted here.

deevans commented 7 years ago

The make file you provide is very similar to the build script I use:

if test ! -d bin then mkdir bin fi

(echo ==== hello ====; voc -m hello.mod) (echo ==== copytext ====; voc -s Prims.mod Filters.mod copy.mod -m)

mv hello copy bin/

rm .o .c .h .sym

deevans commented 7 years ago

I have a 64-bit Slackware system. I'll test it on that when I get a chance.

dcwbrown commented 7 years ago

I think I see a problem in the ulm implementation in voc.

ulmIO.Mod ReadChar line 127 calls SYS.UNIXCALL, passing uninitialised LONGINT r0 as the second param, and then returns ReadChar success only if it UNIXCALL sets it to >0.

However ulmSYSTEM.Mod UNIXCALL does not change its second parameter. So the success test is based on uninitialised memory.

Now, I have changed code around here. But also the original code didn't appear to change the second parameter.

Will look further tomorrow (going out now).

-- Dave.

dcwbrown commented 7 years ago

I tested this fix with the example in your original post above David, and it's working for me ... Please let me know if it fixes it OK for you. Thanks!

deevans commented 7 years ago

Success, thank you.

dcwbrown commented 7 years ago

Excellent. Thanks for testing.