vishdhmn / Surveys

Nibml3 Surveys
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N3SurveyCollectionViewCellDelegate #4

Open theamorn opened 7 years ago

theamorn commented 7 years ago

you're using your own delegate for calling back from UICollectionCell to Controller

why don't use? what's the benefit from that -(void)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView didSelectItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath

Edited- I see you want user to press the button instead of pressing the whole cell

vishdhmn commented 7 years ago

Hi, I am doing this because I wanted only the button click to initiate this action. Not the whole cell click. This can be helpful in future when many buttons on the same cell may need for different actions (Just applying some experience from earlier apps.) Sometimes, the cell click needs to show any other short detail/animation/tool tip on the same page etc..