vishesh / sealnote

Android app for keeping encrypted notes
MIT License
79 stars 50 forks source link

Github releases for stable versions #40

Closed chadcurtis closed 7 years ago

chadcurtis commented 7 years ago

Hello once more! It looks like SealNote has been accepted into the F-Droid repo, but they were curious about the addition of stable version tags.

It's an argument of ease for the maintainers, as it appears that someone will have to push new versions of the app to F-Droid manually if tagged releases are not present. Would you be interested in releasing in such a fashion?

Once more, thank you for your quick and kindly replies to these matters!

vishesh commented 7 years ago

Sure, we can do tagged releases. How does F-droid do ordering of tags, using dates or the tag name itself?

chadcurtis commented 7 years ago

Judging from this documentation, F-Droid just requires releases tagged with the version number. So, only the tag name itself, if I'm gathering this correctly!

vishesh commented 7 years ago

Pushed first tag v0.8.7