vishesh / sealnote

Android app for keeping encrypted notes
MIT License
79 stars 50 forks source link

Some Questions #42

Open amitguptagwl opened 7 years ago

amitguptagwl commented 7 years ago

Hi, I like this app in compariosn of other apps I explored in play store. I have few questions if you can plz answer;

  1. Can I take the bkp of storage file to google drive/dropbox or somewhere?
  2. Is there any desktop client available (like electron app, chrome app or web version) which can help me to read storage file?
  3. Since it is encrypted using 256-bit AES algorithms, can I decrypt it and read without your app directly in case I need?
uromahn commented 7 years ago

+1 for all those "questions" - I would even consider them enhancements.

Creating and typing lengthy notes on a touch screen can be extremely painful and I would love to have a simple app on a desktop/laptop with a "real" keyboard to edit and manage my notes.

Also, I believe a backup of the database on cloud storage is absolutely necessary! I am currently using "Confidential Notes" which supports sync of the encrypted db with dropbox. My old phone died on me and didn't even start. If the app hadn't backed up its DB, I would have lost all my super-important information. Unfortunately, Confidential Notes is no longer maintained by the author (I sent several emails but no replies) and it has some serious bugs which should be fixed, so I am looking for a viable alternative which SealNote could be.

vishesh commented 7 years ago

Answering the original questions -

  1. Kind of. SealNote doesn't directly support that, but when you take backup you get that standard android content selector, where you can choose Dropbox/GDrive to save things. Its manual process.
  2. There is no desktop application, and currently we are not planning to build that anytime soon. Anytime we get will go to the mobile app first.
  3. You can decrypt it using sql-cipher client, as long as you have valid key. I believe the client is available for all common platforms.

Regarding cloud sync, its been on my todo list for quite some time. There is an easy and brittle way, and hard and right way to do this. We plan to do it the right way, which means we have to make sure that the protocols and crypto we implement are done properly, and thus unfortunately will take time given our time constraints. Regardless, I personally understand how important it is, and being a Sealnote user myself, I really want this as well.