vishesh / sealnote

Android app for keeping encrypted notes
MIT License
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Add buttons to get the app #53

Closed Poussinou closed 7 years ago

Poussinou commented 7 years ago

This PR adds two buttons to get the app easily on F-Droid and Google Play Store

Thanks for this app

vishesh commented 7 years ago

Thanks. Good idea. Just couple of comments -

  1. I think getting those images a bit above would be great, particularly for people on mobile devices. If possible are there smaller images that can align well with those "Build" shield images below our main header? What do you think?
  2. You have used HTML for inserting images. Use Markdown syntax. You can find how to use that in the README itself where we added the badges, or try this guide
Poussinou commented 7 years ago

Maybe the "smaller images" you're asking for are somewhere on the web but I never heard about it. The buttons at the top of the can be a goog idear you're right, especially for somebody using Octodroid (for example) like me.

Problem with the markdown language is that I cannot easily resize the badge, have a look on the changes I did.

vishesh commented 7 years ago

Ok. Seems like there is no way to scale images in markdown. Default size is just too big. Could you please use HTML version again, put it on top with scaling so that it aligns well with other badges at top.

Also, I suggest SVG images if they are available. Otherwise PNGs are just fine :)

Thanks again!