vishesh / sealnote

Android app for keeping encrypted notes
MIT License
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Added translation files and made changes for better translatability #59

Closed Tamarindo94 closed 7 years ago

Tamarindo94 commented 7 years ago

-Added Italian translation for strings.xml and array.xml -Added German translation for array.xml (may need corrections) moved the array with the values for password strength to array.xml, so those values can be translated, too changed the hardcoded string at line 182, now it's read from strings.xml (and added the translation for the string to strings-de.xml); there is still a problem since this approach doesn't allow to correctly translate the sentence to languages where Archive and Trash require being preceded by different articles depending on the word (like Italian) or where Archive and Trash are of different genders and require the adjective for "empty" to be concordant with the gender. I thought of two possible ways to solve this, but implemented neither since you might want to decide your preferred approach: --use a different string for each folder; this would require some change in the code in order to retrieve the correct string at runtime; I can do this if you're ok with it --use only the word "empty" without naming the folder

vishesh commented 7 years ago

Merged. Thanks for your contributions!