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Investigating network and dns on kubernetes cluster #199

Closed ayishacs closed 3 years ago

ayishacs commented 3 years ago

Interservice communication issue resolution scenarios

ayishacs commented 3 years ago

The cluster IPs for coredns, UI are in different IP range relative to backend. Working on this issue to see if it is impacting inter service communication.


@surajp28 @visheshdembla Please feel free to add your inputs and findings

ayishacs commented 3 years ago

Mitigation steps: Kubernetes cluster was reset. Kubernetes cluster has been redeployed - all the microservices are within the same cluster IP range. image

ayishacs commented 3 years ago

Closing this issue.

visheshdembla commented 3 years ago

The issue with the original setup could not be resolved. Based on investigations, we figured out that the issue was due to some network related issue during the setup. So we have gone ahead and created a new setup where everything is working as expected. Hence closing the issue for good now.

ayishacs commented 3 years ago

All of the VMs were created within the same subnet and the pods hosting microservices in containers are within the same cluster IP range as seen in the previous screenshot. Hence it is clear that the issue is not at the network level.