visinf / n3net

Neural Nearest Neighbors Networks (NIPS*2018)
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What is the input I in N3AggregationBase? #6

Closed weixmath closed 5 years ago

weixmath commented 5 years ago

You said the input "I" is "Indexing tensor defining O potential neighbors for each query item". How can i construct this input? My xe is a tensor of 4204812 and ye is a tensor of 4204812, so the "I" is a tensor of 41212, am i right? What are the elements of "I"?

tobiasploetz commented 5 years ago

Per batch, there are M query items in y, ye and N database items in x, xe. The index tensor I selects for each query item a set of O database items that should be used for neural nearest neighbour matching. That implies that every entry in I is an integer between 0 and N-1.

weixmath commented 5 years ago

Thank you ,my friend. :+1: nice job