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Search test directory recursively #173

Open philippkemmeter opened 11 years ago

philippkemmeter commented 11 years ago


I've started using expresso few days ago and just wonder if it's possible to let expresso search the /test directory and all subdirs recursively for tests to process all tests in this dir and its subdirs.

This would help me a lot with the organisation of those tests.

Thanks, Phil

akluth commented 11 years ago

Hi, I'm currently working on this and also on some flexibility within the testing directory. I think I'm finalizing this today and push it tomorrow ;-)

philippkemmeter commented 11 years ago

Perfect. Thanks a lot. Please notify me, after you've pushed it, that I can pull it. Thanks :-)

philippkemmeter commented 11 years ago

Still open? 6 months ago it sounded like it's done in a few days :-)

akluth commented 11 years ago

Six months, few days...time's relative :-) I'll push the fixes tomorrow.