visionmedia / google-search

Ruby - Google Search API
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Google::Search::News is not displaying any news articles. Please help. #26

Open ShivrajDeepsagar opened 8 years ago

ShivrajDeepsagar commented 8 years ago

Before it was Image, now even news articles are NOT being displayed from Google::Search::News. Please somebody help here. I m doing my final year project and desperately need some help. I tried it on irb. The result was NIL.

2.3.0 :008 > "Panama Papers") `2.3.0 :009 > results = _ => #<Google::Search::News:0x00000000e597c8 @relative_to=nil, @edition=nil, @order_by=nil, @type=:news, @version=1.0, @offset=0, @size=:large, @language=:en, @query="Panama Papers", @api_key=:notsupplied, @options={}>

2.3.0 :010 > results.each do |result|
2.3.0 :011 >     puts result
2.3.0 :012?>   end

=> nil `

no-mercy commented 8 years ago

Google has changed something in their logic, entire search is broken now, not only news.

rynkwn commented 8 years ago

@no-mercy is correct, my own implementation has also spontaneously broken down.

aantix commented 8 years ago

Google has deactivated the web search API... 👎

zapnap commented 8 years ago

Bummer :(

ShivrajDeepsagar commented 8 years ago

@no-mercy @aantix Is there any alternate solution for this?

chip-and-dail commented 8 years ago

+1 @ShivrajDeepsagar

aantix commented 8 years ago

@chip-and-dail Create a fork and add support for Google's Custom Search API (which means you'll be paying for these searches).

Or fork and implement a backend that scrapes (using Mechanize or something similar).

It doesn't appear that anyone (so far) has done this work for this gem.

chip-and-dail commented 8 years ago

Maybe can find products similar to ?

aantix commented 8 years ago

@chip-and-dail Nice find. Looks like the API is free and with a liberal usage policy.

Create a fork and let us know. :)

chip-and-dail commented 8 years ago

@aantix I'm not that brainy :)

Premnath321 commented 7 years ago

Looks like cleaning is started.