visionmedia / page.js

Micro client-side router inspired by the Express router
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page.js not working with history back or forward #405

Closed Nomia closed 6 years ago

Nomia commented 7 years ago

Hi, I've used page.js in my project for about a week. Sometimes, page.js will not work with history.back(). The issue is that, when I hit the back button(or manually call history.back) on chrome, the url will change, but the callback doesn't get called. (the URL changes but the route isn't triggered again).

And the history.forward or the forward button on my chrome or any other browser will not trigger the router callback.

I don't know whether it's a problem in my code, I found someone has the same issue with me, not solved.

Nomia commented 7 years ago

@paulocoghi could u help me out?

paulocoghi commented 7 years ago

Are you registering page's popstate / click bindings with:

Nomia commented 7 years ago


Nomia commented 7 years ago

@paulocoghi here is my code:

        hashbang: true,

        click: false
paulocoghi commented 7 years ago

I've seen other users with problems with hashbang mode, with which I am not familiar.

I always used page.js without it.

Nomia commented 7 years ago

Oh, bad news. I have to use hashbang mode, coz it will be hosted natively(file:///).

thanks anyway.

paulocoghi commented 7 years ago

Now I understand better your scenario and I have good news. You are not obligated to use hashbang, even when using file:///

All you have to do in this case is (after defining all your routes):

// Starting routing system with automatic environment discovery, mobile, web or desktop
if( window && ( window.cordova || window.location.protocol == 'file:' ) )
    page( { dispatch: false } )
    page( '/' ) // Here you define the route to be loaded first
paulocoghi commented 7 years ago

Do not use click: false or hashbang.

Nomia commented 7 years ago

Thx for ur advice @paulocoghi , I'll give it a shot and feedback here.

paulocoghi commented 7 years ago

Any news?

ankianan commented 7 years ago

You can mentiom popstate:true in configuration of page.

Nomia commented 7 years ago

Sorry for the late feedback. I've handled the history back and forward problem manually in my project before @paulocoghi 's suggestion. Lots of work was in a rush. I'll test the suggested solution once I've got time. Feel free to close this issue.

WesleyDRobinson commented 6 years ago

perhaps an issue with bfcache:

Adding a pageshow event handler resolves:

window.onpageshow = event => {
    if (event.persisted) window.location.reload()
paulocoghi commented 6 years ago

@matthewp , without an response from the OP, I am in favor of closing the issue. If this problem does exist, we need at least one example code in which it occurs in order to work on the case.

matthewp commented 6 years ago

That's fair, let's close. Happy to reopen if we get more info!

kyle-west commented 5 years ago

I am experiencing this too. I have multiple apps mounted at different paths of the same domain. (i.e: /foo is a different express app than /bar) Some apps use PageJS for client-side routing, others do not. When I navigate from an app that uses page to another that does not, and then use the back button to return to the previous app's page, I am experiencing the same behavior.

kyle-west commented 5 years ago

It turns out that adding

  window.addEventListener('popstate', (e) => {
    if (e.state && e.state.path) {
      window.location.href = e.state.path;

to the file that does not use PageJS solved the problem for me. I think this works because of reasons stated in the last paragraph of [this section on MDN](

paulocoghi commented 5 years ago

Thanks for sharing your solution!

Since it is external to PageJS, maybe we can add this to the README