visionmedia / page.js

Micro client-side router inspired by the Express router
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Hashbang links in SVG (via xlink:href) add an additional hashbang in URL #532

Open thom4parisot opened 5 years ago

thom4parisot commented 5 years ago


Thanks for maintaining this project. I read #391 and assumed clicking on SVG links is handled by page.

I use page with hashbang:true as an option within a single page app. The following code will redirect to #!/#!/test instead of #!/test:

<svg viewBox="0 0 400 400" xmlns:xlink="">
  <a xlink:href="#!/test">Test</a>

It looks like the URL is understood as /#!/finance-details/M52-DF-02.

If I try with xlink:href="./#!/test", page redirects me to #!/./#!/test.
