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Do your first movies in VisIt #10

Closed markcmiller86 closed 2 years ago

markcmiller86 commented 2 years ago

Hint: Use wave.visit example dataset and have a look at our movie docs

markcmiller86 commented 2 years ago

Apologies but I sent you to the wrong part of our docs to make a simple movie. You want to read this part of the docs to make a simple movie. Similar to what I am uploading below.

The goal is to give you a frame of ref. for what aspects of movie making and animation VisIt can handle vs. what we need to delegate to a downstream 3rd party tool. This case I've given you is the simplest way to make a movie in VisIt. But, its also highly restrictive in what kind of features you can support. The next level up from this is keyframing which is documented in the animation section of our docs

markcmiller86 commented 2 years ago

And, the next level up from KeyFraming animation is Python scripting where you write a looping python script that tells VisIt what specific things to do to produce each individual (static) image in a sequence of images that will get strung together into a movie. I think it makes sense for you to experience all 3 of these ways of movie making in order to have a better feel for what to keep within VisIt's perview and what to delegate downstream. That said, if we are satisifed with just simple movies, then I think we can declare victory on this task.

Once each of you has finished a simple movie similar to the one I uploaded here, please upload it here too. You want to create a .mp4 file.

corvette20 commented 2 years ago

Uploading movie (Josh).mp4…

markcmiller86 commented 2 years ago

@corvette20 it doesn't look like it successfully uploaded your movie.

corvette20 commented 2 years ago

@markcmiller86 that is weird. I will try downloading it again. Let me know if it works now please. I dragged the video and also dropped it into the editor.

markcmiller86 commented 2 years ago

Hmm....I see you've made a 2nd attempt. Is it showing and playable for you here? It seems broken for me. How big is the file? If under 10 mb, maybe try emailing it to me. Or follow the steps here to upload it to our ftp site. Or, upload it to our shared google folder (which link I won't provide here but will email you).

Magicat-0 commented 2 years ago

keyframe demo movie wendy -

markcmiller86 commented 2 years ago

keyframe demo movie wendy -

That worked. Thanks! As an would have worked simply by adding .zip to the end of the filename and attaching it and then letting me know (😉 ) that its NOT REALLY a zip file. GitHub just keys of the file's extension.

Your upload to Google folder also worked...which I then converted to .mov format and attached natively here so we can view it in line...

Great work. I am impressed 💪🏻! You did a key-frame animation which is a step up from the simple movie. That isn't easy to do. And, I am noticing some bugs in VisIt by viewing the result. The font size for your username in the lower-right corner keeps oscliatting in size. It also seems like the mpeg compression got pretty bad mid-way through the animation. But, great work getting that done.

@corvette20 all we're waiting on to close this issue is a valid upload of your movie either here as an attachment (the above appears broken) or to the google drive or just email it to me (if its small enough).

markcmiller86 commented 2 years ago

BTW... @Magicat-0 and @corvette20 if you are so inclined, would you mind sharing your thoughts on your top 2 or 3 things about how absolutely wonderfuly or mind-numbingly challenging you found the movie making controls (either key framing or simple save movie) in VisIt to be to produce that movie? We value having perspectives from newbies you aren't too biased from having worked in this space and grown accustomed to and just accept all the useability issues 😉

Magicat-0 commented 2 years ago

@markcmiller86 It was very easy following your youtube tutorial and user manual you linked above.

The movie controls were easy to use (at least with the little i used it when making the key-frame animation). It kind of reminded me of dj/music software like fruity loops. Compared to Maya and Blender, much more streamlined and simple without sacrificing results or having to add too many things to animate the object. I feel like doing the same thing in Maya would take ages. I liked that you can have different windows opened and interact with them without having to close the previous ones. Selecting something (plot, operator, etc) actually selects/applies it, if that makes sense? I.e. In other software sometimes it doesn't do anything or does something completely crazy or you have to add all these other modifiers so that it works.

Maybe as i use it more i can provide more useful input 😅

corvette20 commented 2 years ago

@markcmiller86 I have attached I sent you my video file both over email and attached it in the google drive.

I thought the movie tutorial was really good. In the beginning, I did struggle a little bit with being able to locate the wave files. I think maybe you move the files closer to the new tutorials or place a hyperlink in there. Would be helpful for people that are not quite sure how to use the animation or movie function. I think though overall it was pretty straightforward!

markcmiller86 commented 2 years ago

Ok, converted @corvette20 .mpeg movie and uploaded to view inline here.

Thanks both. Great start for this week!