STARCCM using a hexahedral TrueGrid mesh created the file, here is the error from VisIt The compute engine running on host issued the following warning: FEPOLYGON and FEPOLYHEDRON not yet implemented.Shortly thereafter, the following occured...The Mesh plot of variable "zone1" yielded no data.
-----------------------REDMINE MIGRATION-----------------------
This ticket was migrated from Redmine. As such, not all
information was able to be captured in the transition. Below is
a complete record of the original redmine ticket.
Ticket number: 1359
Status: Pending
Project: VisIt
Tracker: Feature
Priority: Normal
Subject: EPOLYGON and FEPOLYHEDRON support for TechPlot Reader
Assigned to: -
Category: -
Target version: -
Author: Cyrus Harrison
Start: 03/04/2013
Due date:
% Done: 0%
Estimated time:
Created: 03/04/2013 12:06 pm
Updated: 04/08/2013 02:22 pm
Found in version: 2.12.3
Impact: 3 - Medium
Expected Use: 3 - Occasional
OS: All
Support Group: Any
STARCCM using a hexahedral TrueGrid mesh created the file, here is the error from VisIt The compute engine running on host issued the following warning: FEPOLYGON and FEPOLYHEDRON not yet implemented.Shortly thereafter, the following occured...The Mesh plot of variable "zone1" yielded no data.
STARCCM using a hexahedral TrueGrid mesh created the file, here is the error from VisIt The compute engine running on host issued the following warning: FEPOLYGON and FEPOLYHEDRON not yet implemented.Shortly thereafter, the following occured...The Mesh plot of variable "zone1" yielded no data.
-----------------------REDMINE MIGRATION----------------------- This ticket was migrated from Redmine. As such, not all information was able to be captured in the transition. Below is a complete record of the original redmine ticket.
Ticket number: 1359 Status: Pending Project: VisIt Tracker: Feature Priority: Normal Subject: EPOLYGON and FEPOLYHEDRON support for TechPlot Reader Assigned to: - Category: - Target version: - Author: Cyrus Harrison Start: 03/04/2013 Due date: % Done: 0% Estimated time: Created: 03/04/2013 12:06 pm Updated: 04/08/2013 02:22 pm Likelihood: Severity: Found in version: 2.12.3 Impact: 3 - Medium Expected Use: 3 - Occasional OS: All Support Group: Any Description: STARCCM using a hexahedral TrueGrid mesh created the file, here is the error from VisIt The compute engine running on host issued the following warning: FEPOLYGON and FEPOLYHEDRON not yet implemented.Shortly thereafter, the following occured...The Mesh plot of variable "zone1" yielded no data.