update method works properly, but updateOnly loses Date object and reset it to empty object {}
p.s. Don't pay attention to vue-visjs name of package, I use wrapper for vue. It is ok, I checked it on just vis-data
vue-visjs.esm.js:15300 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot convert object of type Object to type Date
at convert (vue-visjs.esm.js:15300:181)
at vue-visjs.esm.js:15334:238
at Array.reduce (<anonymous>)
at vue-visjs.esm.js:15334:210
at Array.map (<anonymous>)
at vue-visjs.esm.js:11424:44
at vue-visjs.esm.js:11341:14
at Array.reduce (<anonymous>)
at SimpleDataPipe._transformItems (vue-visjs.esm.js:11340:31)
at SimpleDataPipe._update (vue-visjs.esm.js:11366:30)
See details https://github.com/visjs/vis-timeline/issues/1562
update method works properly, but updateOnly loses Date object and reset it to empty object {}
p.s. Don't pay attention to vue-visjs name of package, I use wrapper for vue. It is ok, I checked it on just vis-data